Je t’aime Montréal, mais ma française ce n’est pas beau. J’essaye parler en Française mais c’est difficile. Je vais aller au Montréal quand j’y travaille l’été prochaine. Je vais « practice?» la langue pour cette visite! Merci! ✌️🇨🇦✌️
Okay, je vais vous écrire en français, pour vous faire pratiquer. 😅
If you need help with a translation, just call on me. I translate for passing by truck drivers at Tim Horton's. It's kindda baffling that they can't understand "muffins explosion de fruits" in English. 🤔
Je pense que tu dis « Okay, I will write to you in French for you to practice. (to do to make to practice!) »
C’est fun!
Muffins explosion de fruits couldn’t be more literal😂
Most of us speak English as well as French but it’s always nice to see visitors making an effort, also as soon as you go outside the city French is required
I studied French until grade 13 but rarely have occasion to use it. My dad was fully bilingual and so are my grandkids. It seems to have skipped me by🤷🏼♀️ BTW I’m from Ontario ✌️
To stay sharp you can listen to CBC Radio Canada en français and watch Québécois shows on Netflix like Saving Béatrice or M’entends tu for more colloquial French
2 years ago I traveled from Thunder Bay Ontario to Meat cove Cape Breton island. Last year I traveled from TB to Victoria BC. Most beautiful place I've ever been and the kindest people. Next fall we plan to spend 1 month in our favorite Canadian town. Can't say where. I pray they don't hate us.
Instead of Palm Springs this year, we have visited Vancouver, Calgary, St John’s and Victoria. All completely delightful and no need for expensive US $s.
Absolutely. Already planning a Canadian vacation and will be proud to spend every penny in Canada. That is, if we are still allowed to visit the country.
Then you at best triple your transit time if you don't live and work around subway stations. Buses are slow with speed limits, extra long traffic lights everywhere and frequent stops.
I already had a trip booked for June (meeting friends who come in for the Grand Prix) and very much looking forward to more delicious food and some great museums for me!
Come try Winnipeg. We have a plethora of ethnic cuisine, opera, theatre, river trail skating, lots of lakes in Manitoba, hiking trails, the far north with polar bears.
PS: your French is already quite understandable. 👍
Practice => pratiquer
If you need help with a translation, just call on me. I translate for passing by truck drivers at Tim Horton's. It's kindda baffling that they can't understand "muffins explosion de fruits" in English. 🤔
C’est fun!
Muffins explosion de fruits couldn’t be more literal😂
I tell truck drivers to inverse "explosion de fruit" to "fruit explosion" & they get it. Yes, literal. 😂
Alors, quelle est la leçon pour aujourd'hui?
Offrez-vous des vacances permanentes aux personnes souffrant de Trumpatitis et de Muskratitis?
Beaucoup d'appréciation,
Votre voisin d'à côté
God bless Canadians, all of you xox
Was *really* looking forward to visiting the US for just the second time in my life in early 2026 but
screw that.
Canada here I come!
Mange de la marde
Cars really are faster there.
Quebec City also is beautiful from the south shore with the cliff, the waterfall and the river widening around that beautiful island.
Montreal forever!!
Pilgrimage to the origin sites of Bob & Doug McKenzie
Place some back bacon and a beer on their origin marker, eh?,event/11094/the-snow-maze
Then they asked if we can go to Montreal, because Montreal is way more fun than Florida.
I love these kids. Montreal, here we come!
This is what it looked like.
Winter in Canada.
Still, you can make igloos and ride a dog sled. Walking in snow shoes is fun too.
Pedestrianised streets, trees, people, food, bikes, lovely neighbourhoods. There are so many things to love it's hard to name them all!