marble madness was the first game i got when my parents bought me my nes way back in the dark ages. I played way more marble madness than any kid really should have.
And from this point on you will likely only hear about it from the "go woke, go broke" people.....even though the games failure had little to do with that.
Baldur's Gate 3 is proof of that lol
I was gonna talk shit on Quest 64 until I saw your handle 😬
In my defense, I rented this as a teen and hated it. Glad to see your meme holds true though =]
For any game
Baldur's Gate 3 is proof of that lol
One of my most played 360 games
In my defense, I rented this as a teen and hated it. Glad to see your meme holds true though =]
It's my favorite game
So of course I would suggest it ❤️