November 20 1998, Magical Tetris Challenge debuted on the N64 in Japan!
The game was the directorial debut of Hidemaro Fujibayashi, who would also go on to also direct Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and more!
The game was the directorial debut of Hidemaro Fujibayashi, who would also go on to also direct Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and more!
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Can't imagine the licensing nightmare getting it in Tetris Forever would be, but may have to track it down otherwise.
Always wanted to try this game
Is this very different than the USA version? I’m noticing one has Disney licenses pictured on the cart, but the other does not.
Masato Kouda, Smash Bros man 🤝
How did that happen? Is he a part of Nintendo and not Capcom?
It was pretty common for people in the Japanese game industry to work at multiple places under pseudonyms before settling on a single place to hang their hat
I always think of people like Soraya Saga (Kaori Tanaka) and others, especially composers.