Why would I focus on becoming a better person and supporting my community when I could be on my computer 18 hours a day being an asshole to others for having differing opinions on something that doesn't matter!
my MO these days is I enjoy being chill and seeing people get really excited over their niche, because even if it's not my thing, it's cool that it's someone's thing.
Q64 was never a bad game in my book, maybe just unpolished. But I have a new found respect for it over the last few years.
ok but, real talk? i'm doing this right now. phasmophobia put out an update that changed a map for the better while breaking the rest of the game, and being able to focus on the sheer fucking incompetence of the devs makes me feel better because it stops me from focussing on the american shitstorm.
Yo, Quest 64! I remember renting you at the same time as Conker's Bad Fur Day so my mom would get confused as to which game was the M-rated game, and she didn't think it was the one with a squirrel on it. I owe you one. Are you fun to play?
I'm trying NOT to look it up right now so I don't fall down a rabbit hole of stone grinding mustard seeds and people online arguing German style vs Hot Honey Mustard
I once bottled my own root beer just to see if I could, as a younger man with more energy for hobbies, and it was a real slog even then of "just give me a basic root beer recipe I want to see if I can do the base thing well before I add twists or $20 Madagascar vanilla"
Hopefully things calm down once we get the full game.
I feel for them.
Q64 was never a bad game in my book, maybe just unpolished. But I have a new found respect for it over the last few years.
And I'm significantly more wholesome lore wise lol
That sounds genuinely interesting
I used to make barbeque sauce because I couldn't find one I liked
Not because it was incredible, but it was the best base of seasonings for many things. Now it's all "Whiskey Bourbon Sugar" and "Kansas Pit"
We are so lost as a food community
And why the fuck does all caramel candy need to be salted now? And HUGE chunks of sea salt. I don't always want that