Nearly 400 cases of Pertussis were reported in the United States last week.
Year to date, in 2024, 23,544 cases of Pertussis have been reported.
Last year, in 2023, only 5,074 cases were reported.
We have a vaccine for this. It's preventable. Listen to your doctors.
Year to date, in 2024, 23,544 cases of Pertussis have been reported.
Last year, in 2023, only 5,074 cases were reported.
We have a vaccine for this. It's preventable. Listen to your doctors.
Reposted from
Wendy Hasson, MD
Have you ever watched a baby die of pertussis? I have.
This is what it looks like:
A newborn baby can’t stop coughing. They can’t catch their breath. They can’t eat. They get dehydrated and stop peeing. They sometimes have pauses in their breathing. Parents are terrified so they come to the ER.
This is what it looks like:
A newborn baby can’t stop coughing. They can’t catch their breath. They can’t eat. They get dehydrated and stop peeing. They sometimes have pauses in their breathing. Parents are terrified so they come to the ER.
She now works in pedantic cardiac ICU so rarely sees these cases know.
Diptheria suffocates the kid or destroys their heart with a toxin. Last US epidemic in San Antonio in 1960s ( I saw it). No mandates then.