This argument but with an accurate list of the downsides. "Stopping the 2021-3 wave meant saying no to Ukrainians and Hong Kongers, the NHS and universities falling over, and continued high vacancy rates and inflation. But that's a price we should've paid"
If that is an issue then have stiffer rules to get them to leave, maybe have a student ID doc while studying.
1. Progressive parties never made the case for migration.
2. Populism is fed by declining living standards circa 2008
3. Lowering living standards and setting up population degrowth is literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
Try explaining the cost
What a mess. There’s no hope here.
And then, why stop Ukranians and Hong Kongers instead of.. I don't know Palestinians?
Politicians in the uk have long pandered to Murdoch, Farage and xenophobia.
You can’t lose an argument you never made.
The economic implications are more frightening than immigration. So, to my mind, it’s a false premise & the public are unaware.
You know what really fuels fascism? Poverty & the fear of poverty.
These were only introduced in 2012