I don't mind new housing as long as developers contribute to the infrastructure these houses require. Rivers in Suffolk are already overflowing with sewage because the systems can't cope. More traffic on roads designed for the horse is also an issue. We need joined up planning thinking & action.
These people already live in the UK and consume infrastructure. They are just crammed into unsuitable housing with little way out and to find a home for themselves.
Yes but where you poo & where your work is in relation to your housing matters. If there isn't a sewage treatment plant to go with 600+ houses it means more sewage for local rivers. If the roads these estates use are tiny (the reality in rural Suffolk) doubling of journeys = hazards. Place matters.
So once again, where would you like people to live? The example you gave before was next to an A road so satisfies at least some of your requirements. Remember we need millions of new homes in order to meet people's housing needs