(Doing a final pass on the script for TPF 9, and if you think my stuff is overwritten, you should see it in zero draft. I get everything down in the 0 draft, with everything they may want to say, and then just drill down to what's needed.)
I'm okay with reading longer works, but not bloat. Also, consistent use of long grafs drives me nuts. I need white space so I can digest. But everyone has their own tastes.
do you find it useful to keep a copy of your 0 draft to refer back to later, or do you have notes/outlines that cover anything you'd be looking up in the 0 draft?
It was 15 years ago so I can't fully remember what he said, but it was along the lines of "passionate writer, but hammers it out quick and leaves to me to fix".
Which is pretty high praise compared to how I'd hear him complain about others, or just receive copy and sigh with his head in his hands.
Tony has seen us all at our worst. He's not wrong in practise, but in reality, if I don't put a piece aside for a week or two, I don't see typos. In fact, the more I edit something, it's as likely I'll actually make it even messier - as anyone who follows my posts here will likely see.
Heh. If I had to actually explain something to folks about what I learned about game design by doing the big game, it was how much was writing masses and then deleting and deleting and deleting. DIE RPG had basically tens of thousands of words of GM advice that got boiled down to a couple of pages.
I live in the fat.
I was born in it.
I write like 50 page chapters xD
Which is pretty high praise compared to how I'd hear him complain about others, or just receive copy and sigh with his head in his hands.