And when they blink in confusion and open their maw to ask "Into what?" you dive right in and they make alarmed choking sounds before you push your way right down their gullet leaving them stunned and flustered and oddly excited.
G-gosh I hope they'll all be alright in there-urp.... Although the squirming does feel nice 😳💦 gonna take all my effort to not pass out in a food coma💦
Watching my belly squirm and bulge as the prey you stuff into my belly wiggles around... tied up and unable to stop you from feeding me more eager friends...
Staring at you intently, fantasizing about what it would be like to swallow you… and then noticing that you noticed them staring, getting flustered and blushy and having a panic attack that results in panic-eating you to hide from your judging eyes, and then freaking out more over what did I just do
I had this idea a while ago of a really shy person that gives off big Pred energy for some reason. So as much as they don’t want to, they have a hard time saying no to more assertive prey when they ask to be eaten
I may have written a story with that as a focus...