honestly, *that* could do some good!! no more of this "younger generations learning sex from porn" if they know that's not typically how sex actually works
I know this is intended as a joke, but boys struggling with understanding consent and boundaries is a real issue when a lot of father figures expect schools or the church to deal with it.
I'd say this is the case for girls too. When it comes to what's normalized as just Things You Do, consent can be an issue for everyone. And with porn being so unprecedentedly pervasive, this is a problem I take seriously. My own comment wasn't entirely joking, honesty in the industry could help.
Maybe if we taught sex ed and didn't leave them to porn to 'learn' they would be able to understand what's going on. They know better than to hit the dog with a hammer like seen in cartoons, they should be able to grasp porn != a sex how-to guide.
“Just so you know, this isn’t REAL sex we’re about to have. I, for one, am incapable of having it. My genitals melted off years ago when a hot plate exploded on my lap while I was dorming at Juilliard. I feel nothing down there now. I actually can only pee through my anus. Now on with the show!”
In order for it not to be gratuitous it has to advance the plot. And that means giving the characters a puzzle that cannot be solved except for through intercourse.
movies can have sex scenes if they stop making them boring as fuck. Bring in an adult film crew if you need to. Just stop with this bs of telling actors to wing it and then picking the ugliest shot taken
a ridiculous notion, would totally ruin the pacing of the movie; just have all participants holding up signs saying "the sexual act depicted herein is a work of fiction"
“hey everyone, i know we had a lotta fun in this episode, but you should NEVER have unprotected sex with a stranger like we did. between pregnancy and STDs, there’s a lot of consequences that can happen. for more information, go to www.-
"Why are you both named 'Hungus'?