California farmers feed our nation and the world.
But they’re facing water issues, tariffs, and workforce challenges – all while costs keep rising.
As CA's first Senator on the Agriculture Committee in 30+ years, I'm fighting for them every day.
But they’re facing water issues, tariffs, and workforce challenges – all while costs keep rising.
As CA's first Senator on the Agriculture Committee in 30+ years, I'm fighting for them every day.
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“And I’m protecting your financial information in the Treasury by…”
“And I’m having monthly constituent meetings as noted on my website..”
Step it up, please
For weeks? Fix it.
🍊That was sarcasm people
Why are you posting this vanilla politico nonsense instead of leading the resistance?
The only X is Malcolm X.
Environmental terrorism, opening up the dams in Tulare Co. Stop the steal... We already have crops planted. We're not prepared to open all the flood basins with 1 hour notice. This is theft.