There’s a lot of contributing factors to the increasing rate of airplane accidents.
One that seems poorly examined: how multiple Covid infections are reducing IQ and how acute infections create “drunk drivers.” Over 40% of Covid infections are asymptomatic yet still create cognitive impairments.
One that seems poorly examined: how multiple Covid infections are reducing IQ and how acute infections create “drunk drivers.” Over 40% of Covid infections are asymptomatic yet still create cognitive impairments.
Reposted from
Sarah Schacht
Bingo. Acute covid infections (over 40% are asymptomatic) impact driving ability. And, each covid infection reduces IQ by 3 (in less severe covid infections) to 6 points on average for those admitted to ICUs.
Airlines aren’t screening for covid impacts. Link below
Airlines aren’t screening for covid impacts. Link below
Sometimes I wonder if that's what we've created with inadequate measures to control Covid.