I can’t say much about the new book at the moment but I visually tease the tone/mood/vibes on tumblr with enough other stuff mixed in to keep it vaguely obfuscated. (I did this with Starless Sea for years before it came out posting libraries and owls and such.) https://erinmorgenstern.tumblr.com
(Who am I kidding? I was ready to preorder long before that!)
(But no pressure! Take your time, and all your readers will be here waiting for you when it's finished!)
I love The Night Circus and The Starless Sea
(I am also enjoying the cats and dogs of Treviso, except when I think they are treasure to pick up. Which they are, of course, just not in the way I was hoping)
I will have myself cloned so I can still be alive to read that, whenever.
Your magic is what matters, and that takes the time it takes.
Just finishing my 30-plus-th time through SS and blessing your name. ❤️