My gainer dream/bucket list thus far in no particular order:
-Get fed until I pop a shirt button from being too bloated.
-Breaking a relatively solid chair that was not already worn out.
-Go out on a date with a feeder while wearing a suit that is just slightly too snug on me.
-Get fed until I pop a shirt button from being too bloated.
-Breaking a relatively solid chair that was not already worn out.
-Go out on a date with a feeder while wearing a suit that is just slightly too snug on me.
-Eating doughnuts off a feeder’s dick while getting teased for it.
-Get wedged into a small doorway and have one feeder fuck me while the other feeds me.
-Get wedged into a normal doorway and have a feeder fuck me while the other feeds me.
-Having my scrotum infused with saline while a feeder stuffs my belly.
-Get a mobility scooter and drive my feeder around on it.
-Get kicked out of a buffet for eating too much, just to end up in another buffet because I was still hungry.