“Health Delivery and Long Term Care” is a provincial responsibility. Hospitals, doctors, care homes, accreditation, almost everything you see and interact with in healthcare.
Feds deliver healthcare to First Nations and fund healthcare transfers to the provinces under some basic guidelines.
Feds also fund the Public Health Agency of Canada, which is responsible for public health, emergency preparedness and response, and infectious and chronic diseases.
Provinces spend the money and manage their healthcare systems, but like to blame the feds because it is politically convenient.
Once you see how provincial conservative funding cuts actually hurt citizens you can’t unsee it. In AB & ON lower funding to public education, public healthcare, social & municipal programs actually increases poverty, addiction, food bank demands, homeless issues & social unrest.
#cdnpoli #abpoli
Interesting bc i seem to be fighting a 9.6% property tax increase in Niagara Region this year ( after a 7.2% increase last year) alone & the region says my our $ pays for LTC & building hospitals? We already pay into federal & provincial coffers for those projects. This is double dipping.
I would be happy for the government to use my tax $$ to buy ad space in newspapers, educating adults on how our government works and who to call when it isn't. I would consider that a PSA.
(Honest question)
Feds deliver healthcare to First Nations and fund healthcare transfers to the provinces under some basic guidelines.
Provinces spend the money and manage their healthcare systems, but like to blame the feds because it is politically convenient.
#cdnpoli #abpoli