Gm and not really. My feet hurt from taking my little dude trick or treating and it was cold ASF outside. Kiddo had fun though, so I guess that's what matters.
Meh at my age with no kids I didn't really do anything cept play animal crossing and listen to Halloween music on Pandora.My nice and nephew had a good time tho
Thanks 👍🏾 I don't know wether it's cause I'm getting older but it feels like holidays don't mean as much as they used to I feels like they just come and go
I went trick or treating after I saw literally nobody around, I went to 3 neighbors (the two that where out and their yards where decked out in decorations and tables full of candy) and one bowl at the front door house. I should have gotten more than 2 pieces each barely any kids this year 😝
Hope you have a great day!
And Mario Party!