That’s pretty cool. I once was in a commercial about cookies. I literally went to a bakery and ate a cookie and they recorded me eating. Good thing that bakery closed down. I was literally like nine years old at the time. Embarrassing moment.
i recently upped my weights! 20kgs dumbbell incline press, 35kgs tricep pushdown, 15kgs dumbbell shoulder press! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 after MONTHS of being at the same weights i finally moved up!
maybe not too interesting but im proud lol
I been on TV a couple of times, also when I was younger I used to write poetry about anything I would see outside. Like a red car. "Red car, cherry sweet, pass by in quicken fleet." Something like that lol
Sometimes, usually when I'm tired, it's like my body gets on auto and keeps doing the stuff I had planned to do but my memories of that time get kinda blurry or feel like I was dreaming.
It all comes down to how one dress. But you can look straight or you could look gay, regardless embrace what you are and what you like and what you enjoy. I support you regardless of what anyone say.
No not really basically when I was born the nerves traveling down my shoulder into my arm broken open and my parents didnt know for a while. I had surgery when I was three to fix it now I’m all good. Also I honestly can’t remember much before the age of 7
:3 Thanks, i mean if you want to be an environmental scientist, lawyer, or a legal scholar of land use sure! I just do construction and development now >_<
I know about like 89% of all vehicles in the world if I’m not mistaken. I don’t know much about the current Chinese auto maker since they’re not allowed in the United States.
Yeah I hear you, funny enough most of my friends and sparring partners into it practice to NOT be violent or be willing to use it. It's an interesting overall topic if that makes sense.
Yeah i totally get it, it's super understandable with how it can go. I prefer obviously the controlled environments for that stuff, but yes what you say is absolutely the most valid ESPECIALLY in today's times.
What is interesting could come in very different shapes and forms. For an example, interesting thing about me is that I have dyslexia so I can’t spell or sound things out to save my life.
Exposed again 😔🙏
Maybe I will upload some on here
maybe not too interesting but im proud lol
Probably the only thing I can think of
My favorite so far is bringing Wawas to town!
It’s the title to the series that connects all games together
Truly, a beautiful masterpiece
Sorry, I'm not interesting enough to comply with this request.