Well some of them are explicitly Nazi about that too. "We supremacized ourselves all over the natives so it's ours now!" Is probably how many of them who have thought about it think about it. Also, that might be part of where the paranoia about immigration and becoming a minority comes from...
Some child, somewhere, might read something that makes them feel good about themselves and their heritage...but never fear, Moms for Liberty is on the case.
When my mom was teaching, she wrote a grant to get books about East Asian characters specifically because she only had one in her library and she had a Japanese-American student who checked it out over and over - it was the only book he could find that showed someone like him as a Good Guy.
M4L understand that books have power. If marginalized kids see themselves as protagonists in books, they feel like they have a place in society. When kids in the dominant caste read about marginalized characters, it humanizes that group of people and teaches empathy. M4L know this, and they hate it.
They all know this. Anti-gay lawyer Mat Staver has been warning Christian schools not to admit kids with gay parents — other kids might meet the parents and realize gays aren't pedophile monsters.
I know this firsthand. I grew up a conservative Christian and imbibed all the anti-LGBTQ beliefs I was taught. When my endlessly patient significant other @taliesin82.bsky.social encouraged me to read the POV of Christians who were gay-affirming, I didn't want to, because I was afraid +
their arguments would be convincing. I didn't *want* to be convinced. Changing your mind about something means you were wrong - in this case, very very wrong in a way that would have made me the Bad Guy. And nobody wants to see themselves that way, so I chose ignorance to preserve my ego.
About 20 years ago, the Catholic school, I attended as a child was going to kick out 2 boys because their parents were gay. The principal, Sister Annunciata said she would quit if that happened. They backed down. Loved her for that https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-jan-02-me-twodads2-story.html
It's no wonder why they';re forcibly taking over School Districts, they are also the same group pushing for Private, Charter or Religious Schools with very Strict Uniform Attire Policies no one wants their children to be in, even in these times when MAGA Chuds Hate Diversity and like Child Marriages
I think we should be explaining to asylum seekers to not bring your baby girls to any red border state, they have legal rape and no abortions, fly or float do not walk across your asking for death
Not necessarily to death. Not even for long. But every goddamn time they poke their heads up, they're doing something that should have been shut the fuck down decades ago.
No big. Push Irish back to running paddy wagons and bagpipes are played at cop and especially fireman funerals because they were the only jobs Scotch-Irish could get. Dagos couldn't leave the barrios and the wops were lucky to have one
Holy Mary mother of God, what the actual fuck is wrong with America? “Moms For Liberty” it’s some dystopian Nazi fucking nightmare on acid. How many of these right wing weirdo’s actually have kids in the education system? I really hope someone sues them into bankruptcy.
Not many, they're the same sort of people who will homeschool to protect their darlings from being exposed to reality like the humanness of people with a different tint of skin.
I wonder what CAIR will think of this, in Maryland they teamed up with Moms for Liberty in a local campaign to erase LGBT people from the school system.
Makes me sick.
My Own Miserable Suspicions
They are also hard to identify in the wild, since they all look exactly the same.
Not necessarily to death. Not even for long. But every goddamn time they poke their heads up, they're doing something that should have been shut the fuck down decades ago.