people are dumb and will attack you for this like you were a trump supporter, because dumb people only see dualities. If they weren't dumb, they would perhaps think even ONCE about how she got ONE BILLION dollars from donors and all of a sudden the election wasn't that important
NOPE. Musk stole the election forDUMP. DUmp just admitted it was rigged and he won. ITs obvious. He broke into the treasury and he broke in those machines and manipulated the count. NO rule of law. We have no govt now. We are fucked And DUMP: just approved ethnic cleansing.
What could a vice president do? How aboutblaming ISrael for their actions? Blame Hamas and other terrorists for kidnapping and escalating tensions? What is your solution? We dont need to be in any fucking war either. IM sick of war. Im sick of people being treated like this. ITs everywhere.
Gee, I wonder who afforded Trump the ability to do that? I wonder what party has consistently weakened themselves since 1980 by abandoning the working class and consistently chasing Republicans? I wonder who when given the opportunity chose to maintain the status quo created by the GOP?
The wealth gap in the us is as huge already as huge the Romanov dynasty. 47 needs to be our Czar Nicholas Romanov. if not him the next from either party The biden Harris administration was czars Biden Harris between 45&47. No matter who wins 99% us always lose.
The wealth gap in the us is as huge already as huge the Romanov dynasty. 47 needs to be our Czar Nicholas Romanov. if not him the next from either party The biden Harris administration was czars Biden Harris between 45&47. No matter who wins 99% us always lose.
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
The need is greater than ever for professional revolutionaries. The program can be found here. Instagram tik tok and Twitter. Liberation school Liberation news. the Socialist Program with Brian Becker podcast.
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
You know you can dislike things happening on the center and left and still be center and/or left, right? If you just blindly followed the leader, you'd be kinda like a MAGAt ;)
just a heads-up, there is no party on the left in the US, it's just a lie they tell you because they know it's wrong to have both parties on the right, both liberal, it's best for them if people don't realise. Bernie is on the centre, and the US reaaaally needs a party on the left but no luck yet
Harris & Biden (in unison), Not Trump, funded Palestine Genocide til Trump election.
Harris said she'd continue
arming Israel had she won.
And Biden/Harris Genocide Crimes led to Trump election.
And led to Trump's current Palestine Ethnic Cleansing.
Wanna explain your logic on that? if every protest voter had voted for harris she still would have lost. MILLIONS of white people voted for trump. The centrists fucked you over. Go yell at them. Not people who are against genocide.
it was actually because Harris burned a billion dollars sucking off Liz Cheney and telling Muslim voters their families deserve to die and then lost the popular vote to a demented rapist (the one she wasn't working for at least)
She never said that. Muslims in our country are payin the price now for voting for DUMP the new SHITLER who hates them. HE is an abolute racist,misogynist bigot. MUSK paid DUMP and rigged it for him with Starlink. Kamala is more qualifed and educated and knows what she is doing. DUMP Russian agent
It seems like wasted energy to attack someone who failed to become a "defender," however dishonest they may have been about that. She's irrelevant now, but it's telling that the middle tile isn't Donald Trump, someone who is ACTIVELY, CURRENTLY supporting Israel.
Mainly the ones from her party. A good chunk of us saw her as a joke.
Bro, I really believed paying someone to sing and twerk was going to win votes.
If she really wanted to help, she should've told Joe not to rerun from the start.
This cosplay humanitarianism. You've done noting to help Gaza & use their suffering as an excuse to hurt other people. Millions will starve w/o USAID. We have zero checks on Bibi & Trump wants to turn Gaza into a resort.
I think you’re an unwell person with a fetish for verbally assaulting yourself and others, your profile is a reflection of a lonely and broken shadow of a human being
I hope one day you don't choose to cause more suffering in the world because you didn't get everything you wanted. My day is going just fine. You should look out for yourself.
I don't have kids. But unlike you, I care about them in general & use my vote to try to help as many as I can. You apparently were happy to make things worse in Gaza as well as Ukraine, every country served by USAID & made the world less safe. Piss Off.
Hey, Brazillian here. USAID was used on my country to create instability, help failed attempts of coups, insane spread of fake news and absurd Lobbying.
The best thing for Gaza and Ukraine? Make the US fuck off, and you can take your fucking money and charity, their price in blood is too high.
So what, you think that attacking Kamala Harris. For what? Did she not go out and show she was the better candidate? Was she not ready and willing to show she was the best candidate? Or does the fact that she lost an election that over 2 million less people turned out for? Maybe we don’t attack her!
Kamala openly supported genocide and was against the protesters. Thats a dictator people chose not to vote for either dictator candidate and blaming them instead of the dictators is peak bicycle meme
Neither were good candidates. Perhaps, it is time you start to think we should move past a system where you only have two very bad options and must choose between them. We don’t have to live like this, choosing the lesser of two evils constantly.
Oh fuck that. Kamala was highly qualifed. Dump was bought by Musk and installed by him through Starlink. STOLEn. Kamala would have been using more diplomatic means to help Palestinians. YOU WOULD PREFER WAR WITH ISRAEL?? She was the best candidate and assholes who dont want women in control
With a country divided and the idiots that think that not voting or voting for a candidate that’s going nowhere instead of against the greatest threat to democracy what’s the difference. Wanna make change vote for the best option until change occurs. Be a grown up!
dawg you're saying the party that rigged a primary to sink a candidate, then pushed a candidate that was literally braindead, then pushed another candidate without a primary was going to save democracy. Be serious, no they weren't.
Or you can finally get enough people to agree to burn both demoRats and rePubicans alive so that the rest of the world finally has a chance to destroy America
Who’s the knuckle dragging dipshit that said, hey Kamala Gaza is speaking……😂 they not speaking now with trump giving Israel the green light to take the place over😂
You really are stupid😂 live if Disney land if you want but there’s literally talks in Israel about annexing the West Bank because of how lax trump is to what they do😂
Hey if you can’t attack my argument cuz your uneducated on the Fact of the matter then that’s fine lol buddy it’s okay to be stupid. We have FREE Speech 😂
You guys will never accept the reality that your candidades are shit, that they are the same as republicans, just different billionaries owners, right?
The Democrats refusing to give up supporting a literal fucking genocide led to Trump.
Keep licking the boots of your masters though, that is after you clean off the blood of tens of thousands children that the Democrats knowingly and willingly supported the mass slaughter of.
The Democratic party, a mutli-billion dollar national organisation with many employees and connected to a vast network of think tanks and other orgs is less powerful than random people on the internet.
This reflects badly on random people on the internet.
You sure want a WW dont you? We are far more educated and secure in ourselves than any maga maggot. We pay attention to what is going and dont listen to bootlickers, RUssia and want democracy back and we want Palestinians to prosper. Netanyahu/DUMP/PUTIN all are one.
Jesus christ could you be any more of a South Park liberal, plus, you don't pay attention to what's going on, if you did, you'd be a leftist not a lib. Also, really, you care about Palestinians? How can you back the Dems who aided in the ongoing genocide, at no point did they attempt to stop Israel.
The same goes for Ukraine, when Ukraine was in a much stronger position, Biden should have told Zalensky to negotiate, not lie about the Ukraines chances in winning so they can keep shipping those arms. Also, AmeriKKKa doesn't have democracy, you have two parties beholden to capitalism.
Man, you really are as stupid as MAGA. I likened you to MAGA you dipshit, I never called you AmeriKKKlan and being a liberal isn't just an AmeriKKKlan thing, heck, when I was younger I was sadly a liberal, luckily, I read theory and got better.
Where did I even say that? Is this your tactic, mindlessly spew random shit no one said? Also, the VAST majority of the US aligned world is the same as the US, no difference in parties except their logo and colour, and when someone different pops up (For me, Corbyn) they are quickly shut down.
The world would be such a better place now if Harris had won. Sure, MAGA crew would be moaning, but everyone else would be ok. Unfortunately the USA wasn’t ready for a mixed race woman to lead them. Maybe at the next election, they will be.
You fucking moron do you know nothing about how politics actually works, the Republicans have weak support the only reason they win is because the US lacks a strong left-wing party, the closest thing are the Dems which are centerists
The wealth gap in the us is as huge already as huge the Romanov dynasty. 47 needs to be our Czar Nicholas Romanov. if not him the next from either party The biden Harris administration was czars Biden Harris between 45&47. No matter who wins 99% us always lose.
The wealth gap in the us is as huge already as huge the Romanov dynasty. 47 needs to be our Czar Nicholas Romanov. if not him the next from either party The biden Harris administration was czars Biden Harris between 45&47. No matter who wins 99% us always lose.
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
The need is greater than ever for professional revolutionaries. The program can be found here. Instagram tik tok and Twitter. Liberation school Liberation news. the Socialist Program with Brian Becker podcast.
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
Harris & Biden (in unison), Not Trump, funded Palestine Genocide til Trump election.
Harris said she'd continue
arming Israel had she won.
And Biden/Harris Genocide Crimes led to Trump election.
And led to Trump's current Palestine Ethnic Cleansing.
wow how can people be so wrong without even having a clue
Bro, I really believed paying someone to sing and twerk was going to win votes.
If she really wanted to help, she should've told Joe not to rerun from the start.
In the comments you sure hate Brown people
Some sick people in the world
Keep going Kaz
Stand up Comrade
What, exactly, do you think "Bibi" and Biden have already done to it?
shut up colonizer
The best thing for Gaza and Ukraine? Make the US fuck off, and you can take your fucking money and charity, their price in blood is too high.
She was not the 'better' candidate, she IS a puppet for her chosen billionaires, same as Trump, same as every Dem or Rep.
Unless you're a conservative or a liberal.
Looking at the Democrats right now, and it seems like its a team effort to burn the constitution.
Once again. Democrats did not send their best.
Parsimony would suggest its because she wasn't the best or even a good candidate.
You blue MAGA people are somehow even more out of touch than the red MAGAns JFC.
Failing to chose least-harm enables greater harm.
Like you should not attempt to have a conversation about politics when you are this incapable of human communication.
And yeah, now Trump is trying to get Gaza and make it Mediterranean-a-lago.
Have a good day.
So damn sad.
Keep licking the boots of your masters though, that is after you clean off the blood of tens of thousands children that the Democrats knowingly and willingly supported the mass slaughter of.
This reflects badly on random people on the internet.
Do you believe you lived in a democracy at any point in your entire life?
The so called appeasement (see Neville Chamberlain) didn't work back then, why are you sure it will work now ?
WW2 was triggered by the same words, so UK and others were weak against Hitler to avoid a world war.
Do you know how it ended ?
I'm not even an USA citizen.
His policy will surely be better, right ?
How mature of you!