This was the first piece where I understood how I wanted to portray Wreg! As someone romantic and sad, with heraldry from both his family and his lover’s entangled 🌷🐺
Thank you 🫣💕 I have way too much lore on that LOL but basically his coat of arms is a wolf biting its own tail, often mistaken for a fox due to the red tip of the tail and his boyfriend’s on the other hand is lilacs! —>
I often draw two moons and night sky bc the game-world they habit has two moons which when meeting is believed to cause unnatural events to occure. He and his boyfriend also shared their first kiss under the meeting moons, so to them it signifies something quite different 🥰
So good!! How do you draw the leg hair?! I have body hair like this tbh, I'd love to learn how to render it! I use CSP, but if you could explain like what type of brush to go for + technique? like texture vs fuzzines?
Thank you so much! ❤️ I’m planning on making a tut bc I get asked this, but I’ll try: i make a layer where I use any airbrush to make general guidelines (” dry hair”) where I want the hair to flow. Then using penbrush or textured brush make the details ->
Make squiqqly lines that are mostly C, S and V shapes! Make them interlock and add most dark details at the tips of these shapes. I like to finish with low opacity eraser from places that are not high in detail ! Hope this helps a little :)❤️
Yes he does! I have draw couple of pieces of them together (and insane amount of written fics) but fear not…I am committed to draw them happy and together even more soon 🫡
Give that cute man his boyfriend! He's sad 🥺