If you study historical critical textualism, it’s baked into their religion. Matthew Luke and John books were all used to excuse the Romans, who the early christians sought political favor from, and avoided blaming the deicidists, the organized aristocracy of the church.
They were heavily influenced by the legal volumes of Edward Coke, and had already experienced ecclesiastical courts run by the church. Jefferson had even written to the Virginia churches asking them to refrain from hanging community members or stealing their homesteads.
Read “Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul” for a real academic level dive on the history of the Colonial church. Williams was Cokes court reporter, and came to America to lead the Baptist church, but was run out under threat of death for condemning church murder and mayhem.
Williams would found what would become Rhode Island, as a place for people to be safe from religious tribunals. Eight years after Williams died the Salem Witch trials began.
⚠️ Helpful translation for Jewish Trumpers like Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller and Ben Shapiro: 6MWE = Six Million Wasn't Enough