Strictly speaking, he has turned against the US’ allies who are now coming to terms with and dealing with the reality that the US is no longer their ally. He’s the one ‘turning against’.
MAGA people love to say that the whole world fears Trump so they will submit to what we want. Which is stupid bc our allies were already accommodating us all the time…
Smart people vote for left wing parties, dumb people vote for charlatans who promise racism and other stupidity and then give all the money to the wealthy.
This is why I don't believe in elections. People are stupid. They should just join a union.
We invented science because "common sense" was shit.
I expect to hear from Trump the whole self piteous cry that we hear from Russia about how its decadent opponents are suppressing and bullying the USA, but they are strong.
Unfortunately trump has maga convinced that Canada and Mexico have been ripping us off for bit of dollars for years. It’s all part of daddy vladdy’s scheme.
They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. Oh, and don't forget, they don't want their "tax dollars being spent" on this or that, they will only tolerate their tax dollars going to Trump and his millionnaire friends so they can reduce all those taxes they would otherwise have to pay.
Don’t worry David - although you’re absolutely right .. we haven’t turned against all of you. We know that it’s the cancer of MAGA and Trump that is our enemy.
Thank you for continuing to show us how right- thinking Americans are fighting back.
We’re with you.
You should probably specify that you’d like an informed, rational, cogent explanation. They can offer you plenty of explanations that are none of those things.
You better believe we hate AmeriKKKa right now. until you people rise up and take this seriously!!! TAKE TO THE STREETS! You have a fascist traitor desecrating the White House and pissing on your constitution…
Obviously, NATO and Europe are a drag on our country. They suck up American aid and they don’t respect us! Putin might be an asshole but he’ll let us do what we want. And if he wants to take a bite out of Europe, it’s no skin off my nose.
America is back, Baby! Freedom!!!!
Ummm, don't equate Mesopotamians with MAGAnoGuts. Ancient Mesopotamia was the birthplace of human writing. Most MAGA numb nuts refuse to read while exhibiting slothish written knowledge. MAGA is the birth place of Trumpistan. Please don't sully the Mesopotamians.
Maga thinks it's great. They think we put out way too much to help and protect other countries, and now our money stays here making America First.
I still go to FB for a couple groups I like but get caught up in maga bs sometimes
They aren't against us. Trump has done them the same favor he's done us. He's made the scum of the earth expose themselves. All those ppl you thought were decent Americans are not. Same goes for our overseas allies. Magats don't share our values. Any relationship with us is an accident of geography.
They can't, and won't. Trump loves tariffs because he thinks all the money collected gives him clearance to further cut taxes for the rich and corporations.
Nah, stating facts. Iknow this is a pretty hard concept.
No income tax equals more money for people to spend.
Rich people, you'll never believe this, have more money, thus spend more, thus paid more taxes.
Looks like you failed basic math 101
It's OK to be wrong.
You seem to have missed the part in math class about proportions, and the portion of recent history about trickle down economics failing to significantly trickle down.
The rich will spend their money in other countries where there isn't the tax! Or they will buy what they want through their companies and claim the tax back. Usually simple ideas are for people who think things are simple when things are never simple.
I have been learning Italian and Portuguese just to go to Europe and South America and be able to speak and understand. I hope I can put it to use in the future.
That’s pretty cool! I am French and Spanish. You could possibly understand those two languages as well. I hope you can still find a way to travel abroad. Don’t like politics cancel your plans.
I am picking up a bit of Spanish as I go as well. The dialect is slightly different and there are many slang words depending on where you go. Watching native films and listening to YouTubers in their language has been very helpful. Is French very different?
I find French pretty similar to Italian except for the pronunciation. The spelling is pretty tough too. Spanish is pretty easy after I may not be impartial as I speak it every day.
I wish I could have traveled more outside the U.S before all this. Now I am sure Americans will largely be unwelcome everywhere else. I loved Toronto and the Hockey hall of fame. I spent many summers on Mackinac Island as a kid waving to Canada. This is all so sad.
I’m Canadian. Have been for 54 years. Even before MAGA, when I travelled internationally, if people thought I was American they gave me a cold shoulder; when they learned I was Canadian they brightened up and welcomed me warmly. The US was burning bridges even before Drumpf’s bullshit brigade.
Sadly I am surrounded by those people. They are loud, arrogant, cruel, no manners, and dress like they rolled out of bed. They refuse to learn another language. I’m sorry you get confused as one of them even if just briefly. I’m learning several languages and quiet so hopefully I will be ok.
I feel sorry for you, please don’t let this depress you. I am sure many people around you do not openly express their discontent with the current situation. And when you travel, just know that people will like you if you are interested in their culture and language
There was some anti America movement in EU before but now, as half American with familiy in 5 states, I wish for your economy to collapse, to prevent our stupid folks to turn even more zu facsist AfD.
Restoring democracy in the EU is challenging enough if the US falls into authoritarianism/facsism.
David they very clearly aren't interested in what is good for the average, working American. What we're seeing is intentional wealth redistribution into the hands of the most extremely wealthy people on the planet.
The "golf card" scheme is part of it. He's going to shrink industries and agencies and then there will be a massive clearance sale for whatever oligarch can pony up and pay.
They probably would. Ironically the evangelical element of MAGA wouldn’t like it in reality, as evangelicals are banned from sharing their faith publicly in Russia.
Hi David it's not America s fault you have a. Mentally ill delusional idiot as a president who has dementia he wears dipers our Prime minister has signed a loan with Ukraine and 18 other nato countries are standing by Ukraine against Russia
It’s not. I’m starting to think that in line with the right wing WEF conspiracy theory that we all all “own nothing and be happy” by 2030, is playing out according to plan. What if he is crashing everything so that the mega rich can buy it up cheap from the desperate wretched masses?
He despises the middle class. It’s a push to strip the working class of wealth, property and political capital. Ironically the brain dead conspiracy theorists who were afraid the “leftist elites” would lead us to a communist dystopia, will march us straight that unfortunate fate.
This Canadian still loves you David. Keep fighting the good fight for us. Will this plan of Trumps work? Trump's plan to economically annex us will it work? I would love your thoughts on this.
I think he would have to attack with our military with the help of Russia and China and even then the rest of the world would rise against them to help Canada. That is if our military followed those orders. So stay strong neighbors. So sorry we couldn’t vote enough to keep him out.
China wouldn't help and Russia would be no help. 50% of the military and 80% of Murikins, including 20% of magats, would be opposed. Canada has nothing to worry about. He'll test his insanity in Panama first anyway. Hopefully, he just gets a bunch of magas slaughtered and backs off his Napoleon shit
Exactly. Many of them are to cowardly to fight and the rest would do something stupid to get themselves and their militia members killed right away. They like to act tough but are just big babies scarily waving guns.
It's not just Canada. In every country in the world right now people are watching and they all know we can't trust the orange clown. And it's going to take decades before we start trusting you again.
Canada will make commercial deals with other countries and we will grow from this.
Join Canadians and boycott US made goods. Protest by crashing the US economy, crashing the stock market, down with the billionaires!
And move to Canada if you can. Braindrain the fucker
I called my senators and congresswoman and asked that they turn their backs whenever the traitor speaking to congress tonight gets a standing O from the Grand Old Nazis. If you agree repost and call your congressionals.
There is going to be a new alliance without the US and Russia will turn on the US as soon as it gives them an advantage. It's what they do and have been doing for a long time. This is going to be a huge hangover for America, when the dust settles.
Because they dwell in Never Never land, they truly believe they will not be affected by this. The average working American is foreign to them; they're too busy chasing "money for nothing & their chicks for free." [Thanks, Dire Straits]
They can't explain 💩
Nope, will never go back to where it was. They’ve shown that every four years all agreements can be ignored for their benefit unilaterally. Theres nothing they produce that we can’t get elsewhere.
I apologize for my country, your country should deserve better treatment. Majority Americans don’t support the orange dictator. I know it will take years to rebuild the relationships we have had with our allies but I hope we can
It takes a few to literally ruin it for anybody, and in this case it took a few dipshits in government to quite literally ruin it for the world, I couldn't agree with you more and how ashamed I am of my/our country, the disgrace we've become because of our extreme narcissistic selfishness, pathetic.
We understand that most of you will suffer much more than us because of a few hateful people that ushered these monsters back in power but your problem has now become the world’s problem. I’m not sure your country will ever be forgiven. Not for a very long time anyways.
Oh I know it will take a really long time. I mean decades I believe, one fear I have is what about the “ next” Trump? I think after Trump we will get back to sanity but I am fearing if someone carries on his evil and damaging the repairing.
Yes, this is it. There has to be safeguards in the system, if there is a system left, soft that criminals cannot get into office. Or at the very least enforce laws already in place. Now you have to worry about getting these crimes out, you may not get another election.
European here. We're in solidarity with those of you who did not vote for Trump, but it will take a lot more than hope to fix anything. Right now it's hard to see how your democracy will ever be resurrected. Look to 🇺🇦(2013/14)&🇬🇪(2024/25) for a blueprint on what should be happening in your streets.
Exactly, already have some newer agreements for hydrogen and oil with Germany and since the pipeline to Bc has been expanded and completed new agreements with Asia. This is the way forward, no more below market value sales of anything. You want fair trade, you got it dipshit. Top bid takes it.
I’m certain our relationships with our fellow Americans that voted for this will never be repaired. I completely understand where you are coming from. Their stupidity and cruelty is hurting everyone even them.
So sorry about this as I never voted for the orange buffoon. I have some Canadian heritage (grandma was born and raised there) and have visited nearly every year since I was a kid. Love Canada (hell, my profile pic should show that!) and just want the good Canadian folks to know I always will. 🇨🇦
Nope, because they could just go right back to MAGA with the next guy right after. They're too volatile and unpredictable. Who in their right mind would do business with someone like that?
They have been convinced the allies were all taking advantage of us and we are finally going to take care of ourselves.
They do not actually know any history.
MAGAtards care about nothing but their inbred, petty hatreds, none of which are remotely rational. If their hatreds matched objective reality, there'd be no Republicans in power....
Trump: I'm the president and the stock market is crashing thanks to Biden
This is why I don't believe in elections. People are stupid. They should just join a union.
We invented science because "common sense" was shit.
Un-American and traitorous.
Thank you for continuing to show us how right- thinking Americans are fighting back.
We’re with you.
America is back, Baby! Freedom!!!!
Those among you who stand against what is - very shamefully - being done in your name still have a great many friends and allies here in Europe ✊🏻
1. History of cold war espionage insider threats
2. The Krasnov allegation
3. The trump-russia financial ties
4. Psychologist explaining his narcissism, need to be seen as strong & him practically prostrating for strongmen, esp Putin.
6. GOP 180 on Russia
7. Project 2025 & parallels to 1930s Germany
8. QUI BONO? Is Trump acting incompetently exclusively in self interest, or semi-competently in service to Russia via staffers
I still go to FB for a couple groups I like but get caught up in maga bs sometimes
There are always two winners every election. The rich and politicians. The system works as designed.
They have the most amount of money to spend!
Simple economics!
Looks like you flunked economics
No income tax equals more money for people to spend.
Rich people, you'll never believe this, have more money, thus spend more, thus paid more taxes.
Looks like you failed basic math 101
It's OK to be wrong.
Restoring democracy in the EU is challenging enough if the US falls into authoritarianism/facsism.
We know the rest of you are being dragged along against your will.
Canada will make commercial deals with other countries and we will grow from this.
And move to Canada if you can. Braindrain the fucker
They can't explain 💩
I guess your cheaper eggs really fucked world up.
Sry 4 screaming :(
They do not actually know any history.