That's a surprisingly high number! I would have guessed 15-25%. I'm curious how many of the non-VR users are using TrackIR (or some camera-based variation)...
Good question. I would assume the non-VR users are almost all (90% +) using some kind of head tracking. Modern combat sims are just a bit too difficult to play otherwise.
Speaking of Track IR: it's ancient. And not good (glitchy, requires headgear). Surprised nothing has supplanted it yet.
I forget, do you do much DCS or more automotive sim? The big thing I've read about the Pimax displays is that unlike Quest 3 they have the resolution to make the cockpit instruments easily readable without messing with zoom, which seems like a big usability feature. No firsthand experience though.
These days... little of either :). Sadly too busy. But I generally prefer DCS with the Quest 3. The displays aren't the highest res, but the lenses are some of the best on the market. The steam gauges aren't the sharpest, but they are readable enough for me.
Speaking of Track IR: it's ancient. And not good (glitchy, requires headgear). Surprised nothing has supplanted it yet.
I've been carefully eying the Pimax offerings this CES, wondering if it was time to make the leap.
Until then, I've been happy with the Quest 3. It's a surprisingly good PCVR headset.