Nearly two-thirds of working private renters in England struggle to pay rent
A combination of real wage cuts, austerity, profiteering, lack of social housing takes toll.
Govts under the thumb of corporations neglect low income families, create misery
A combination of real wage cuts, austerity, profiteering, lack of social housing takes toll.
Govts under the thumb of corporations neglect low income families, create misery
Covid corruption & kakistocracy
🇬🇧 geopolitical & fiscal seppuku
To reduce immigration
& blame Johnny Foreigners
And with Labour & eventually Reform UK will
“China Evergrande Group's housing projects in Qidong have reportedly added more than 40,000 units to the market.”
NORIYUKI DOI, Nikkei staff writer
December 26, 2024
A larger percentage of those already retired are insulated as homeowners or social tenants.
Debt and the associated interest extraction may look great on the GDP figures, but it has a catastrophic effect on people's lives.
You now work merely to survive while vile bosses and shareholders suck every last penny of profit for themselves….unchallenged! Yet when the real wealth creators ask for more money, the MSM demonise them! How did we get to this point?
Selling off council homes, attacks on unions and numerous privatisations all need to be reversed.