Reeves Eyes Spending Cuts If UK Bond Slump Eats Up Headroom.
Wrong choice.
Govt can create money -found £895bn of QE for speculators.
Can levy windfall taxes on banks, levy wealth tax, tax capital gains and dividends at the same rate as wages.
Must rebuild social infrastructure.
Wrong choice.
Govt can create money -found £895bn of QE for speculators.
Can levy windfall taxes on banks, levy wealth tax, tax capital gains and dividends at the same rate as wages.
Must rebuild social infrastructure.
What have they achieved so far?
Lots of talk but very little substance.
There is loss of income tax, national insurance, VAT and other indirect taxes, and the multiplier effect.
Increase in benefits and welfare.
None of this can help with economic growth pursued by govts.
Councils already use existing platforms to borrow, and I've set up a Government petition suggesting they start their own:
Didn't she spend her whole time in opposition screaming that public spending had already been cut to the bone??????
Only the mega millionaires can play in this market.
Public sector activity contributes to GDP, the wages are offset by tax-revenue, they get spent within the country (not hoarded/syphoned out) and public assets offset the national debt. The case is there, make it!
Has she actually said she will make more cuts
Is that just Your Opinon
Opinions has caused Wars
Where as Facts have Stopped Wars!
The little shit.
Let the #WiseOwl (it's #American but same rules)explain!👍
Having a sovereign currency means the U.K. can create as much as it needs. Neoliberalism is just a death wish!