Thames Water released raw sewage into a chalk stream for more than 1,000 hours over the past 6 weeks.
Execs will get a bonus. The company wants to pay higher dividends, record hike in customer prices.
Regulators do nothing. Govt can end the scam by nationalisation, but won't.
Execs will get a bonus. The company wants to pay higher dividends, record hike in customer prices.
Regulators do nothing. Govt can end the scam by nationalisation, but won't.
Govts can do QE, create money, borrow, tax the rich.
Their shares are worthless, debt has low value.
Let them go bust. That means debtholders acquire the company. They can't operate without massive hikes in bills & investment. At that point the state can acquire for low price.
They then saddle the company they bought with that debt.
They were popular when interest rates were low.
They then took big profits out with huge dividends pleasing shareholders, then got rid of their stock.
But we're fucked - stuck in a corrupt monopoly where there's no way out and no way to protest, with a spineless so-called 'regulator' and successive governments who give zero fucks.
I'm still waiting for my share.
We simply need to regulate them.
Watch them go broke.
And find ways to claw back what they have taken out.
They will be posting the keys through the letterbox.
Water should not be privately owned, it just can't work when private cos are legally obliged to put shareholders first.’t-solve-sewage-crisis-and-5-actions-would-help
They’ve managed to turn most into own-goals.
It's never safe to assume on social media
When did shareholders start to get paid on losses?
This looting is far more damaging, so 6 months seems light