More evidence of harms inflicted by private equity on US healthcare.
Usual pattern: profiteering, hiking debt, low investment, poor patient care and safety.
Yet UK NHS being handed to private equity without any evidence, 30%-40% public money vanishes in profits. Money buys less.
Usual pattern: profiteering, hiking debt, low investment, poor patient care and safety.
Yet UK NHS being handed to private equity without any evidence, 30%-40% public money vanishes in profits. Money buys less.
The road is clear for the political will to do this….it is happening NOW under a (in name only) Labour government.
There is no ‘opposition’ to the Red and Blue duopoly.
‘Campaigning’ is too blunt a tool
It's worth remembering that no government can bind its successor. Its never too late we just need politicians that do what we tell them
Not Scotland. Thanks
Marketing of health to the public