One HSBC banker paid £16.6m in 2024 (50% rise), £14.8m at Barclays after the UK govt ended banker bonus cap.
Banks speculate with other people's money, gains privatised, public bailout if crashed, customer charges hiked.
Govt says pay rises are inflationary but not when applied to bankers.
Banks speculate with other people's money, gains privatised, public bailout if crashed, customer charges hiked.
Govt says pay rises are inflationary but not when applied to bankers.
Their apparent disconnect with ordinary people will gift votes to other parties unless they change soon.
And when the bubble bursts they will all have dosh stashed out of sight and we will be expected to bail em out, again
#PanamaPapers anyone?
And when one banker nets the equivalent of about 700 care workers, it's time to revolt.
What about health staff who are trying to treat people in shockingly poor conditions?