My granny (my mom's mom) turned 105 yo in Feb (still fiesty as ever)..side of the family is throwing her a celebration..the issue is my mom is primary caregiver and if I didn't move back home, it would be all on my mom, who is 75 yo..there are other grandkids here but they don't help..mind you
2 of those grandkids pass my granny's home going to work (2x, 5d/wk)..I have gotten in disagreements with one of them, while living in Cali, for their lack of contribution to relieve my mom so she can get a break at least on the weekends)..and they are siblings of the emotional manipulator &
1 of 2 con artists in the family. He stays less than 2 hrs away, but when he does drive down..he still has to pass my granny's house from the highway. These siblings only do for you if they can benefit from it in some way, shape, or form..They dnt like my honesty in this family bc I tell the
truth abt their selfishness, self-centered ways and how they don't help out..BUT they can be on a "committee" to organize a party celebration for my granny. You see the issue here? It's the audacity for me..they lack compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, emotional maturity, & they have
negative attachments to their spirits: they're disconnected and don't walk one with God.. I truly believe this is one of the reasons why things haven't really taken off for me..being around them dims my light & makes it harder to manifest success & prosperity. Wish my Daddy was here to protect
me and my mom from these selfish ppl..I don't feel safe around these ppl anymore.. God, I ask of you to protect me & my mom, get me away from them, and take me to my real soul tribe family that's connected and walks one with God..