truth abt their selfishness, self-centered ways and how they don't help out..BUT they can be on a "committee" to organize a party celebration for my granny. You see the issue here? It's the audacity for me..they lack compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, emotional maturity, & they have
truth abt their selfishness, self-centered ways and how they don't help out..BUT they can be on a "committee" to organize a party celebration for my granny. You see the issue here? It's the audacity for me..they lack compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, emotional maturity, & they have
negative attachments to their spirits: they're disconnected and don't walk one with God.. I truly believe this is one of the reasons why things haven't really taken off for me..being around them dims my light & makes it harder to manifest success & prosperity. Wish my Daddy was here to protect
me and my mom from these selfish ppl..I don't feel safe around these ppl anymore.. God, I ask of you to protect me & my mom, get me away from them, and take me to my real soul tribe family that's connected and walks one with God..