I guess so!! I'm starting with Xenoblade definitive, then 2, Torna, then 3? cause those are the ones I own! and I'll be playing alongside my boyfriend who has played 2 and 3 but not the first one
Sounds good!
When considering the DLC, even though canonically Xenoblade 2 Torna and Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed are prequels to the main games, I find it very important to play them after.
Playing them first would ruin some of the main games experience!
yes!! that sounds right from what I remember. and I'm excited to get into another JRPG series!! I'm still making my way through like half the Final Fantasies 😆
The worst thing about the series is that it can only be experienced for the first time once!
Are you playing it in the 'correct order'?
When considering the DLC, even though canonically Xenoblade 2 Torna and Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed are prequels to the main games, I find it very important to play them after.
Playing them first would ruin some of the main games experience!
XBC Future Connected
XBC2 Torna
XBC3 Future Redeemed
If you weren't aware, each DLC is a 40ish hour game in itself!
I hope you enjoy.
As a life long FF player, from the Gameboy games onwards, Xenoblade is not my absolute favourite game series.
XBC3 is perfection.
Played 6, 20, 12
Also played a number of the spinoffs.
I'm currently trying to work through the Dragon Quest games and then I'll return to Final Fantasy after!
And then Persona
And then Star Ocean
And then Trails
Too many games, not enough time! 🫠