Pay very close attention to Mare Fair this year. With the events of the last several days, you can expect to see a LOT more terrible behavior from the worst people in the fandom who feel emboldened by what’s going on. If the con doesn’t stop it, it means they approve. Vote with your wallet. #mlp
It’s like a degenerate gold mine. Nothing but Nazis from what I can tell.
I hate to sound judgmental of an entire con, but it seems like the people running the thing know exactly what they’re doing.
Do normal people still go to it?
But I'll be adding to it.
So wasn't expecting to see 4everfreebrony on that thread-
Don’t support an obvious fascist convention. Going to MareFair at this point means you’re complacent w/hate & racism. Stand up for what’s right.
Still go. I know it's easy to assume the worst of the con but there are people who went who aren't those awful people.
I feel it's a shame to assume the entire con is evil when genuinely good people have gone.
buh fuck them I guess? They get backlash for going to a con?