Sometimes more important than the content is the story behind. Congratulations on passing your Quals.
Felicidades candidato! 🥰
Felicidades candidato! 🥰
Reposted from
Orlando Acevedo-Charry
It seems I’ll be able to discuss philosophical scientific questions in ecology after all!
Today I passed my quals and became a PhD candidate #UFSNRE #UFWildlife!!
Thanks terrific advisors and committee #MiguelAAcevedo, #ScottKRobinson, #BetteALoiselle & #EbenNBroadbent
Today I passed my quals and became a PhD candidate #UFSNRE #UFWildlife!!
Thanks terrific advisors and committee #MiguelAAcevedo, #ScottKRobinson, #BetteALoiselle & #EbenNBroadbent