Every single professional organization in the country should be speaking out about the news about NCMEC. The administration put a financial gun to the heads of people trying to save children from kidnapping and trafficking demanding they enact policies that will hurt lgbtq kids. That is beyond evil.
"Human resources"
NCMEC has spent decades fear-mongering. They pump out enormous amounts of extremely dishonest propaganda, ginning up fear of a non-existent problem.
People who know the facts are not crippled by fear.
That's why we've seen the rise of extremely unhealthy helicopter parenting, and the resulting stunted growth of our youth.
NCMEC has spent decades fear-mongering. They pump out enormous amounts of extremely dishonest propaganda, ginning up fear of a non-existent problem.
People who know the facts are not crippled by fear.
That's why we've seen the rise of extremely unhealthy helicopter parenting, and the resulting stunted growth of our youth.
The new nihilism: just beyond evil