his ideals were about making money, to the extent that for finances sakes he screwed over his business partner and denied his own childs paternity. hed have done whatever stood to make him the most money, including congratulating trump.
I dunno, he did those things when he was young. He did learn some lessons and grow up quite a bit. Don’t get me wrong, he was no saint, but I think his core beliefs were incompatible with kowtowing to a fascist bully
Sorry, i badgered you a bit in this chain, and i didnt mean to. I just think its a mistake to lionize these billionaires when we've seen what pretty much all of them are like, and we've seen quite a few people "turn heel" in the past couple of years over hot-button issues (covid, gender, etc)
It’s also worth remembering that Steve had reservations about Cook. Steve knew Cook would always do the right thing for the company but he did admit he wasn’t sure about his love for actually making great products.
Steve would probably have an aneurysm at the Apple Card for example.
He hated Trump.
Given the unique circumstances of this, It’s hard to say how Steve would have handled this but I don’t think he’d do what Cook is doing now.
Steve would probably have an aneurysm at the Apple Card for example.