The man who said, “The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy. The empathy exploit. They're exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response.”
I honestly have doubts he's on the spectrum. I think he uses that as an excuse. I know some who are and their eyes aren't dead. His eyes are dead because he's evil and soulless.
He's not "on the spectrum".
He claims to be, just as he claims to be "African-American".
It's ways to deflect his racist, sexist bigotry by claiming multiple "protected classes" while opposing their existence, whether 'race' or via the ADA he's dismantling/gutting.
He’s right. There is a mental illness. It’s called greed and megalomania. He and the Asset are gathering all our data and purposely wrecking the economy in the hopes of one of the greatest power grabs in history, all while making us reliant on digital currency controlled by them.
He is good at making things. The government is about people. He hasn’t shown any ability to be humane. Just go back and make things, please. Stay in your lane
What is happening to Tesla doesn’t come close to what is happening to millions of our civil workers, starving children, seniors and sick children. But severely disturbed rich asshole whining like the spoiled toddler he is. Even making up wild lies to get more sympathy and attention
His life in danger? That's hilarious. He's got enough money to have a throng of guards around him like a water buffalo herd surrounding it's weakest. Not only that but he owns multiple compounds, and private jets. He's in no danger, he's just a beta boy. A real tech wiz could self develop protection
Yes emperor musk you are a total twat and you have turned all the good will into hatred for you and your overpriced electric cars . All because you think people will respect and love you when you abuse people . Not so , prepare for the night of the long knives . Trump will be first . 😂
He seems to truly believe his medieval Christ mystery play. He has never done anything but perform miracles for people, and now they want to crucify him. But this time, the explanation is mental illness. Yes, there is mental illness here. It isn't living where Elon thinks it is living.
Why am I envisioning the evil geniuses that Batman always fought on the TV show, whenever I hear or see Elon Musk. Knowing his neuro link project is continuing I’m wondering if the poor lab rat volunteers get turned into the evil geniuses soldiers. A great genius is small step from insane madman.
A grown man with a pretend starship badge who has the power (without accountability) to monitor information within our government. Complaining about nonsense. The whole world finds him abhorrent.
Oh Elly May, yes people want to end you and your income because you ended theirs. No "conspiracy," it's pretty out in the open. You're no innocent. You are an idiot.
Musky, Sweetheart, a conspiracy would require us to put effort into our hatred of you. It actually happened quite naturally. And Tesla hates is just a symptom of our hatred for you. Though I don't condone setting them on fire.
His cars blow up, his rockets blow up, and his crappy satellites fall out of the sky daily. He will never reach Mars. He's a mentally ill Nazi who is using undeserved power to harm millions of people at home and abroad. He's earned our hatred... as has Trump!
He really should think about leaving the country. Id be scared if I were such a big fucking bitch billionaire whiny baby giving actual US citizens the middle finger every day.
Elon, do yourself a favor & check yourself into a mental health facility. Then, go for several rounds of electroshock therapy, maybe undergo a full-frontal lobotomy, and undergo a multitude of Psychiatic examinations. Before this can all take place, deport your sorry ass to South Africa FIRST!
Unaware, paranoid, physically /mentally awkward, and stupid. If we can just get him really dosed on ketamine, lock him in a room with a lot of sharp objects, and play Pink Floyd's Ummagumma for 30-45 minutes, problem solved!
📝 Here's a breakdown of Musk's net worth.
🩸 The real stake through his heart'll be the collapse of StarLink (🛰️ read: SpaceX 🚀).
🙅♂️ We can't stop the US government 🇺🇸 from funneling 💰 funds to SpaceX,
but we can damage StarLink's brand 📉 & make it as putrid as Tesler 🚗💥 & X 🕊️💀.
Could say that drugs +criminality+egomania creates paranoia and delusion but I suspect knows exactly what he is doing by claiming a conspiracy. Evil man.
Before Anabolic Steriods this fellow was a "runt". The "roids" can only do so much to improve an imperfect body!
Ya & we suffer the extreme aggression that comes with the "roids".
If the wealthy and billionaires have all the smarts and power, why are they begging us to buy their goods/stocks? Is it cause their wealth is solely based on stocks; leveraging loans.
It seems like we peasants have all the economic power! We continue to not buy brands/companies that support hate 👇
This guy. Here how I explain how it feels: Some random Nazi South African busted into our home with some teenage tech boys, destroyed and damaged everything we've worked so hard on for years, trashed our memories and then lit a match and burned it all down. The rage inside by being violated....
I honestly don’t remember Edolf existing before 2017-ish.
But grifters will grift. They will absolutely do and say anything to get whatever it is they want. It’s unfortunate these idiots have pushed so hard to make the world react with such explosive FAFO… but we have to resist. This is it. 🙌🏻
“I've never done anything harmful” is a big fat f’ing lie!!
Right this minute he is seriously impacting air quality in Memphis communities.
He has sixteen 20yr old unpermitted gas turbines powering his xAI.
30+ federal investigations because he’s left a trail of destruction & harm
“You know what these assholes don't get? We're not a fucking building! We're not a fucking flag! We're not just one person! Assholes like this have been trying to kill us for a long fucking time. But you know what? A thousand years from now, we'll still fucking be here!”
You laugh as you destroy lives with no remorse or compassion. Fool. You have nothing but the money to bribe the bribable, You have no insight or oversight but you like to hurt America. You lie about "progress" and think destruction is funny. You brought this shit storm on yourself, you Nazi asshole
Boycotting Tesla is easy, they’re either too expensive, too ugly, and too problematic, as well as too difficult to own in a state like TX (where I live) that doesn’t have a lot of chargers for electric vehicles. Musk is the just the cherry on top of that unappetizing shit-burger.
oh boo f*cking hoo, Elmo. I remember on twitter when he cried that same paranoid stuff - made flightradar24 (?) stop posting publicly available flight paths of his private plane(s) or he'd ban its account. Elmo needs to go to rehab & get off the dope, for starters.
I'm funny that way. I don't support fascists. When I was growing up, being a Nazi, playing cutesy with their ideology, or having anything at all do with them was anathema. What does he not understand?
And of course it's the Daily Mail calling it a "chilling conspiracy" when they won't be happy until half the UK is dead or living in concentration camps.
We all hate you Musk, you Elon, have been the biggest disappointment - a lot of us thought years ago you were cool, intelligent, maybe even clever - When all along you have just been trying to betray us all with this weird power-hungry need for some sick hero-worshipping to Hilter -
Here’s a conspiracy theory: Tesla is as much a surveillance company as an auto manufacturer, with the capability to murder anyone that steps foot in one of its cars.
Exactly. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a known and well documented resistance and push back against a corrupt and openly NAZI OLIGARCH that decided to interfere on partisan politics at a global scale using his vast influence and resources accumulated in part through USA tax payer government subsidies.
not a conspiracy when 80% of the US population hates you on their own, in the open and will publicly say it to his face if given the opportunity once Musk pulls himself out of his little safe paranoid bubble
See, he's not a genius. He should have been able to figure out that we all hate him. It's not a conspiracy. You jump around on stage like a dip shit. You flaunted a chainsaw as a metaphor to what you're doing to our government,our way of life. And you topped it off with a Hitler salute.
Being stuck in a constant K-hole is really showing.
I can see why he’s been divorced so many times. Bro is a full on Nazi, then turns around and calls the country’s outrage mental illness.
Considering the history of Nazis, sounds like he’s trying to lay the ground work to lock up whoever he wants.
My son asked me why I hate the Space Nazi. I told him it’s because he’s an evil creep who I believe is a white collar criminal on a grand scale. But mainly because he’s cringey and creepy.
It is a Rich spoiled clubs game.
Dear people in USA.
They dont care if you survive or need to leave your house, farm,business or land,they wait until you are down.
Then they take it or you get a few dollar .
Like the nazi’s did after they deported and killed , handicapped, jews and the resistance
MUSK: “I thought the left, you know, Democrats, were supposed to be the party of empathy, the party of caring. And yet they’re burning down cars. They’re firebombing dealerships. They’re firing bullets into dealerships. They’re just smashing up Teslas,”
The goal is to destroy the chode's power, and Tesla is collateral damage. This is just the first way people have found to fight back that appears to be working. I expect more to come.
My Recommendations: Destroy Tesla, Starlink, SpaceX, Neuralink & Boring Co. Designate Musk a foreign and domestic enemy. Seize his companies, employees & his assets. Give him the equal to Capital Punishment on live stream. Deal with the employees uniquely and publicly for being traitors. #Reposted
Ditto! Talking about freedom and being free are two different things. Leaders unite…users divide and conquer. Glad to see Texas represent how our diversity becomes our strength. 😎
Is Elon beginning to spiral? Inferring that we are fraudulently taking money from the government. Isn’t that what he is doing? Ease up on the Keramine maybe.
Conspiracy I heard on Morning Joe was he read the cards & Tesla was already flopping when he bought Donny to sidetrack all of the agencies coming for him & his businesses
“I don’t understand. I heard Democrats would just roll over and take it because they take the high road. We didn’t think they would fight back while we destroyed their country.”
Keep telling yourself that bro. But it's all the stupid shit you have done are doing and will do. And Teslas are pieces of shit that's not a conspiracy that's fact.
He claims to be, just as he claims to be "African-American".
It's ways to deflect his racist, sexist bigotry by claiming multiple "protected classes" while opposing their existence, whether 'race' or via the ADA he's dismantling/gutting.
He's a cocaine & ketamine abuser.
Nope. It fits the "Big Bang Theory" and other 'pop-media' portrayals of Autism/Spectrum.
Specifically, he claims "Asperger's", a NAZI designation for "Useful Autism/ND" essentially.
Asperger's syndrome was removed from the DSM in 2013. He started claiming it only in 2021.
c'mon coffee, do your thing
He just can’t accept that it was Elon musk…
Guaranteed he will leave the US soon
🩸 The real stake through his heart'll be the collapse of StarLink (🛰️ read: SpaceX 🚀).
🙅♂️ We can't stop the US government 🇺🇸 from funneling 💰 funds to SpaceX,
but we can damage StarLink's brand 📉 & make it as putrid as Tesler 🚗💥 & X 🕊️💀.
Ya & we suffer the extreme aggression that comes with the "roids".
It seems like we peasants have all the economic power! We continue to not buy brands/companies that support hate 👇
Up next: Lord Cheeto isn't actually made of cheese. He's just oil and spite pushed through a die at high speeds.
But grifters will grift. They will absolutely do and say anything to get whatever it is they want. It’s unfortunate these idiots have pushed so hard to make the world react with such explosive FAFO… but we have to resist. This is it. 🙌🏻
Right this minute he is seriously impacting air quality in Memphis communities.
He has sixteen 20yr old unpermitted gas turbines powering his xAI.
30+ federal investigations because he’s left a trail of destruction & harm
Turns out Nazis are a huge turnoff! Just say #NoToNazis
People also tend to not like it when billionaires take food from starving children.
That was my first CEOs mantra. He was ruthless in cutting costs from the system but always reminded his managers people’s lives were being affected.
I thought of him when I saw Elon running around the stage with a chainsaw.
It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Musk is a Russian asset.
Long live the Resistance.
Is it this conspiracy theory mr “president”? Oh, wait this is actually true. And yeah, we all do f**king hate you as stated above!
Narrator: he was responsible for 1.6 million HIV deaths that year.
Here’s a conspiracy theory: Tesla is as much a surveillance company as an auto manufacturer, with the capability to murder anyone that steps foot in one of its cars.
I can see why he’s been divorced so many times. Bro is a full on Nazi, then turns around and calls the country’s outrage mental illness.
Considering the history of Nazis, sounds like he’s trying to lay the ground work to lock up whoever he wants.
His cognitive state does not permit him to understand that the "illness" is his. #SadElon
When things aren’t working the way they should, it’s all of a sudden victim role and a conspiracy for these weirdos.
The man who spent 44 billion on a social media platform to make sure his tweets get artificially more likes & follows while suppressing others.
..This artificial genius can't accept that people don't genuinely like him!
Dear people in USA.
They dont care if you survive or need to leave your house, farm,business or land,they wait until you are down.
Then they take it or you get a few dollar .
Like the nazi’s did after they deported and killed , handicapped, jews and the resistance
Where's the proof that it was democrats Elon?
Go back to South Africa you creep.
I believe in space exploration as a laudable goal for humanity. I thought SpaceX was doing that
I believe in being a good steward of our planet for everyone’s children. I thought Tesla was doing that
Turns out he’s just another selfish Nazi prick and a danger to everyone
Or he changed.
Same end result.
I like it
You mean action have consequences?
Coming soon to Netflix;
The Education of Elon
Looks like we're all getting arrested! 😂
I can’t bear him not knowing!
And an accurate one.