Oralè Resisters
Stop Trump Laws rule USA!
Donald Trump executive order: Now the President and the Attorney General are the law of the land!
“what the law is.” DJT
This is a land of laws and
Not a land of kings decrees!
Get loud, protest, call them! #TrumpLaws #USDemocracy #impeachment
Stop Trump Laws rule USA!
Donald Trump executive order: Now the President and the Attorney General are the law of the land!
“what the law is.” DJT
This is a land of laws and
Not a land of kings decrees!
Get loud, protest, call them! #TrumpLaws #USDemocracy #impeachment
Will the army react?
Trump Lies Democracy Dies!
“Shut up and obey Trump”
2ndVP to Zelenskyy?
His cities are on fire
And you’re telling to shut up?
Get louder Volo @ZelenskyyUa
#DontObeyTrump #USDemocracy #Zelenskyy