pls do not proselytize to me via Silmarillion fanfic, i am not here to read thinly veiled allegories in which the feanorians come to jesus, I'm here to read about finrod felagund getting smashed 8 ways to friday thx
This is why i no longer read fic by ppl who only write/bookmark het/gen fic like sorry but if u so much as refuse to touch queer fic, i simply do not trust u
I once like super gushed over a fic and recommended it to a bunch of friends and then found out that the author was part of a Christian fandom collective called "salt and light" that felt it was their mission to write godly fic amidst a sea of sinful gay depravity so uh never again
that fic legit made me cry meanwhile the author was out here on Tumblr posting hate speech about trans ppl 🥴 i wish ao3 would let me take back my kudos lol
Oh man I found one of these recently!!!! It was so jarring but the fic itself was still good so I kept reading, but every time a bible verse came up it was such a jumpscare. Made for a very wierd reading experience