There should be a law mandating that the open doors of a Continental Mark V should be used as the measuring width of all parking spaces in any parking lot in the nation.
No more door dings from the idiot that parked next to you at Starbucks!
I love in America where we weigh the pros and cons of drinking water to wash down the pills knowing damn well it's only a matter of time before either the pills do us in or the BOIL WATER advisory for our county is lifted or gets worse
It's honestly a gamble
In my city, you'd get fewer points for your secondary target. Mercs tend to be driven by people older than even I am -- and I'm older than Trump -- and thus they're too easy a target. Lamborghinis don't belong anywhere, so . . .
I frequently have to drive a 20 mile dangerous windy road with no shoulder and nearly every time am passed recklessly on a blind corner. Without fail, by a BMW or Mercedes.
I live in Toronto, where BMWs are the *worst* -- especially out-of-towners who often treat "natives" as if we're targets. It'd be easy to conclude some of them have never seen schoolbusses or cyclists or pedestrians.
A big-ass Chrysler from the early 1970s.
No more door dings from the idiot that parked next to you at Starbucks!
And the gold colored Toyota Camry will always be the slowest car in front of you.
It's honestly a gamble