Does anyone remember when books in a series would come out years apart and people were totally fine with that and now we have authors who feel like they need to shit out a new book every month or they'll become irrelevant?
Can we please bring the old way back again? Quality is S U F F E R I N G
Can we please bring the old way back again? Quality is S U F F E R I N G
I imagine authors suffer no differently. MORE MORE MORE! Or become worthless to those who profiteer off you.
Why is everything so dogshit? XD
That is the 'I am in too much pain or nausea to stare at the Making It Worse In A Hurry glowing screen of OWWW for more than a few shorts now but I don't want to lose this in my Subscriptions page' button, what the heck?
If someone likes what you wrote once they’ll be back time be damned. :)
I wish she was given more time.
And then some aren’t even really people.