Unfortunately you’re being put thru a lot in America right now, which will make it harder or almost impossible to do or progress with certain things. In the UK they haven’t gone down that rabbit hole yet so I’m positive about progress in that respect. 🙏🏻
Tyson breeds Frankenchickens. They are packed together in high rise coops. The lights are on 24/7 to make them grow faster. Their feet never touch the earth.
It’s absolutely awful isn’t it? I’ve heard that they’re so heavy they can break their little legs and then just lie there in their own waste. And the forced eating… it’s heartbreaking.
This would have multiple benefits on multiple levels, not just saving our animals from a horrible and short life. It could also lead to healthier diets for humans that rely much less on animal proteins. I am speaking as an animal and plant farmer, be it previous.
There seems to have been a massive shift towards it in the last few years, the options we have available and the alternatives mean there’s no need for this cruelty.
We wouldn't have egg shortages if thousands of chickens were not kept in cages for the sole purpose of laying eggs and when they became infected with bird flu, and had to be destroyed. We might also expect the price of chicken to rise. Buy now!
It’s gross, we raised the Cornish crosses a few times but at 6 weeks old they have to be processed because they can no longer walk because they’ve become too heavy.
Bigger cages would just perpetuate the polluting, disease ridden atrocity! We need to stop breeding confining and slaughtering them! For human health for the planet especially for the animals boycott animal agriculture! #Vegan #sustainable #sustainability #plant-based
Whole Foods?! You mean a Bezos company? And Bezos who supports Trump who fired USDA workers? Maybe let’s start small and commit to Bezos becoming a better human being.
Regulations were loosened so farmers could have more livestock, over crowding, which leads to this and Mad Cow. How many times a week do U hear if a food recall?
Safety and the public’s health are way down on the list of companies priorities. Stretch the profit margin as far as possible and ignore any risks that come from that.
Absolutely agree. 👍 that’s the ultimate goal for everybody to be vegan too but realistically we have to take simpler steps to get there for some people.
I have a little flock of chickens that live here until they die. My oldest hen "Granny" a Welsummer died at 13. They are unique and wonderful Beings, each one.
Thry were a small breed. The little rooster was my specisll friend, foliowed me everywhere when i worked in garden. They kind of talk to you then. Brave birb, he attacked cats when too close to his ladies.
I was devastated when he lost from a virus.
Chickens should be allowed to free range in fields where horses & cattle graze. They scratch up & spread around the manure, get a more balanced diet & are generally happier.
It’s a bit more difficult to harvest the eggs but worth the effort.
It’s the same old reason for most things why they fall short, profit. Squeeze the farmers and the workers as hard as they can and then pay the shareholders their rewards.
We have a similar rule here in the UK but the specifics of being able to call your eggs free range are extremely loose so you think you’re buying cruelty free when that’s not the case. We need tougher clearer regs over here.
Absolutely agreed, minimal effort just to tick a box isn’t cruelty free. There needs to be more consideration for their well being. And let them actually live, not just grown for consumption.
Agreed, it’s Gross and abusive.
Even if you eat animals at least give your damn food some respect..geez.
Oh wait, we really want everything perfect.
We want everything !
Factory farms are an evil institution created only to increase profits.
Unfortunately, not everyone lives near farms.
I was devastated when he lost from a virus.
It’s a bit more difficult to harvest the eggs but worth the effort.
As long as the birds aren’t confined to a tiny spaces all of the time & chicken comfort is taken into account so it isn’t cruel, I’m OK with it.
A couple minutes a day outside of a cage too small for them to turn around isn’t free range.
Something a lot of people are missing out on.
Everyone should be able to have a couple of chickens around just to eat their food scraps instead of hauling the scraps off to a landfill.