Yesterday was a tough day. Many folks were mad as hll, disheartened & frustrated.
It's easy to focus on the Senators who let us down, but let's not forget about the Senators who did the right thing.
I made this graphic last night because I wanted to focus on the good Senators who fought for us. ππ΅
It's easy to focus on the Senators who let us down, but let's not forget about the Senators who did the right thing.
I made this graphic last night because I wanted to focus on the good Senators who fought for us. ππ΅
Comments &
Or rage donate!
If we take the 2 House seats in FL & 1 in NY we can fkin flip the House!
Donβt forget the π¨Special Electionsπ¨ in #Florida districts 1&6 on April 1st.
I hope you'll channel it to the GOP, though! It does little good firing against our own...even if they voted stupidly this time.
They thought they were choosing the path that caused least harm. I disagree. They chose the wrong path. But I don't think they were intentionally trying to fk us.
I know it's confusing, but there are 2 parts of Congress:
The House of Representatives and the Senate. They are separate bodies and have their own rules, and votes.
Did they speak out against Schumer? No they did not. Silence is complicity. Always a damn scam. Just happened to get the 10 they needed.
I spent quite a bit of time making this video, and you come here and piss on it?
I'm just trying to spread some hope & positivity so folks keep fighting for freedom. If you want to spread gloom, do it on your own fkin feed.
The time to fight is now! If they refuse to join our opposition then weβll have to rely on ourselves.
Chuck has got to go!
We may have lost a battle but we aren't alone!ππππ
Please donate or volunteer at!
Democrats are all we have in govt - there are no good republicans in govt. Democrats tearing down Democrats makes the fascist republicans destroying all decency & progress, giddy.
We are watching north of 49th.
I don't disagree about the donor class influencing some of the 10, but it sucks that you won't give credit where it's due. My Senators Adam Schiff & Alex Padilla opposed it deeply!
Your accusations do nothing but help MAGA & to that, I say> DO WAY BETTER!
Had the CR not passed I would be cheering too.
To claim I'm helping MAGA is absurd and offensive.
There are stinkers and there are fighters.
Give the fighters their due. You don't know the mind of every Senator, but claim they are all bad, and that is what's absurd!
I did imply they are all given to political calculations and I'm happy to defend that point.
They want us to be Debbie Downers because cynicism is the fuel for fascism!
They want you cynical.
Reward people for doing what you want & you'll get more of it.
I find that it works well.
If you aren't giving people praise now, you may find your life gets easier if you do & those in your life will enjoy the kind works.
I have been told repeatedly by lawmakers that thanking them is incredibly effective.
The CR will cut 23 billion in care for veterans, hundreds of millions from homelessness programs, services for kids and seniors, and cut thousands of jobs.
Stop with the circular firing squad. It helps no one.
It certainly doesn't help democracy!
We cannot stand with a group of people who collaborate with the fascist regime.
If they refuse to kick these collaborators out then they are equally as complicit.
Stand with Americans or stand with Nazis.
I think they made a huge mistake, but they certainly know more than I do.
I think they will regret this decision. They appear cowardly.
There are millions of people who see no change, no matter which political party is in power Or which party helps Wallstreet We need to dismantle the system as lenin did. The whole point of communism and Socialism is we care about all people. Will fight for a better world
Thank you for this!
Do you know him?
Obviously not.
But check out his book in the library: Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could
& learn something.
Nevertheless most of the Senators came out as hard NOs immediately. These were the 10 yes votes.
So now what was the point in voting when we already don't have a real government, what we have is a criminal organization running the country.
Win 2 and we flip control of the House and can slow down Elon & Donnie
Volunteer & donate!
Even $2 or 20 minutes helps!
If not you, who?
We're in a fight with Nazis. It's not going to be easy. Let's not be distracted by setbacks, but keep at it and accomplish what we can.
This was coldly calculated support for MAGA, like taking more than 4 years to prosecute a documents case.
I'm thinking I'm about to find a huge rather unexplainable coincidence...
But neither is comforting.
People are right to be mad, but I didn't want folks to forget about all of the House memes & most of the senators who voted with us!
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
What would Trump's lawless administration do under a shutdown?
Could it perhaps be worse than what he's doing now?
Would the federal courts slow down or be closed?
What agencies would be stripped to the bone?
Still I think he chose incorrectly.
We need to pull the politicians to see things our way! Demonstrations is a very awesome tool!
Spending & funding would have been at his discretion.
Give credit where credit is due otherwise you're helping the fascists. Right?
Iam here appealing fr hlp I live and take care o abt 27 LGBT refuges. We live under harsh conditions were we dn't hv any means 2 survive
I just knew they would fold.
Most of them need to be voted out of office and replaced with fighters who will stand up and defend us against this tyrannical attack on democracy.
They aren't strong enough to stand tall or the need for money is their strength, but it's time they no longer represent us.
The riley act, the non profit bill...
Just use this tool, plug in any congressmen's name and you'll see the results.
You know that Riley act? The 12 dems that voted for it? All employees of AIPAC, just for example.
You've got a choice, shit on them, spread fking gloom and hate for Democrats or focus on the ones who are fighting for us and spread positivity around because we have 3 fking elections in 2 weeks!
I am disgusted and embarrassed by the N.H. senators.
I will NEVER vote for Hassan again, and Shaheen isn't running.
CR or not, the F45 regime is going to do whatever it wants, regardless of a funding bill, so voting no wouldn't have made much difference in their behavior, IMO.
Perhaps you wouldn't mind volunteering or donating to one of these candidates whose election is coming up on April 1st and if we win these we can flip the House.
I think they chose wrongly because they came off as weak & unwilling to stand against the fascists, but they seemed to think that shutting down the government would give Trump more free reign to take power.
If defending Democracy & doing the CORRECT thing was easy, more people would be doing it.
I feel completely betrayed by my own party.
I donβt want it in a coffer for any of them to use when they wouldnβt even answer a phone.
All of these folks are our heroes!
Thank you! ππΊπΈπ
Do you get your conspiracy theories from MAGA, Russia or your imagination?
Do you have a source?
I hate to be a btch, but then again, I love to be a btch.π€£π₯°
Do you mean well?
How does this conspiracy help defeat the fascists?
I'd β€ to see your answers to these questions.