If you want to see why this is wildly inappropriate to say to a Lakota, navigate to your favorite search engine and search for "what happened to george custer" and "Liberation Day Pine Ridge"
Reposted from
Erich Luepke
I'm sure you're happy to hide behind your pepper spray a cop pfp, and not show your actual human face, because you are a coward who wouldn't pepper spray a cop.
They held the door to allow them through, when the attackers were met with a volley of pepper spray.
The police, holding the door in the exchange, walking away, covered in mace.
Note: The officer to the right pours water over his face. This is NOT how to treat pepper spray. Officers are not uniquely skilled or capable individuals.
First video, media
Second video, body cam
Law enforcement proceeded to block access to the entryway of the venue as attendees piled into a patio in the rear.
“Paid security” laughed and took photos as Lavender Angels escorted people out.