Today marks the end of the Holocaust in 1945. You know, when NAZIs controlled a country and then went on to slaughter 6 million Jews. Yeah, yeah..other people too, for a variety of reasons. But Jews were killed tor ONE reason….they were Jews. No other reason. NAZIs are evil, then and Now.
it is so crazy to sort people by groups and then deciding "those are bad" - "we are great"
and so many people thought "it is not my responsibility, they told me to do it!"
*sad dog noises*
now i know. it is just hecking difficult to know what to do or where to start.
and things go sooo slow...
not like in history class. in hindsight things are super clear. irl they are much more difficult.
"spread maximum chaos so everyone is confused and then do what was always the plan."
naive people are not able to assume what power hungry idiots are up to
some german jews and gays were always trying to negotiate with Hitler because they could not imagine...