It would be absolutely useful if those 77 million dumbest maga cultists voters could even begin to grasp how much their dumbest lied to them.
They are the little kids at the electric wall outlet ....with the fork in hand.....we democrats said..."That will hurt you more than us".
They did it anyway
I dunno, but now I can imagine how everyone felt watching Crassus, Trump's predecessor, march the Roman army into the deserts to face Parthia before Carrhae.
NOBODY VOTED FOR ELON MUSK, a Radical Right Wing, UNELECTED, Billionaire Oligarch, with NO VETTING OR SECURITY CLEARANCE to be given access to the US TREASURY & the personal info of ALL AMERICANS!
Liberal gloating. Yes, we always knew you didn't care about hundreds of thousands of Palestinians being murdered. We know you don't care about State sanctioned violence against the citizens of the United States that exercise their first amendment rights. Liberals are as repulsive as maga.
Few remember that when Adm Farragut said "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead" the 776 ton USS Brooklyn ironclad besides him "leapt from the water and plunged down bow first, as if an arrow, plucked from a bow." with few of the 114 man crew as survivers.
And that's how shit gets done, sometimes.
There were many who were against Hitler, but we don't remember very many, since most of them were killed. Will it be the same that nobody is left to say it.
Nothing good will come of it!
They are the little kids at the electric wall outlet ....with the fork in hand.....we democrats said..."That will hurt you more than us".
They did it anyway
Please help spread the word to anyone you know, who can get to DC - TOMORROW!
And that's how shit gets done, sometimes.
You are at the BEGINNING of......
President of the un-United States