Old enough to remember when "hippies" and "long hairs" were going to be the downfall of the moral majority. These churches had the standard tall, white, and long hair jesus pictures all over. Hell, I love hypocrisy covered in irony!
Yes. Jesus was a brown man. If he were alive today I'm quite certain he'd be working for a public defender with me. And he'd wash the feet of those poor souls sent to El Salvador before he would turn them away. Your white Jesus preachers are lying to you. Fix your broken belief system!
In the redacted MAGA bible only those few verses that they cherry pick are believed and practiced (ie the seven verses about gays they include but omit the 2000 verses about helping the poor etc)..... everything else they label as "woke".....Jesus was the original "woke" spiritual leader.
In the first century CE there really was no concept of “whiteness.” In today’s terms the Romans, Greeks and Gauls (church of the Galatians) would be considered white. But if you had asked a Roman centurion if he were white the question would have made no sense to him.
The closest English transation of his name is actually Joshua, not Jesus.
The next time a so-called Christian chastises your beliefs by quoting scripture, take solice in the fact that they can't even get his name right, let alone interpret his teachings with any degree of accuracy.
Just you watch....or they'll blame Obama.
the Romans show up at the end
Who da Thunk It...
... King James 6th.
The next time a so-called Christian chastises your beliefs by quoting scripture, take solice in the fact that they can't even get his name right, let alone interpret his teachings with any degree of accuracy.
Hey pornhub... do I have a plot for you!!!!!