Fun fact. Did you know that Mark Hildreth, the voice of Sten, is also a musician? Highly recommend checking his albums out. Super gifted human, my god.
Last fun fact, he plays my favorite Barbie prince from the animated films.
I think in my first playthrough ever, I was a human female, warrior, noble. Second playthrough, I likely went rogue elf. Back then, I romanced Alistair, but WHO KNOWS NOW. All bets are off.
I hope you are enjoying your return journey, if you are playing on PC & want some cool mod suggestions, there are a lot of really great cutscene mods that add more romance scenes & stuff. A friend of mine made the Tower of Ishal mod & a Nathaniel Howe romance mod☺️
Mods are a lot of fun, especially the ones for Origins since BioWare released a toolset. It can be a little tricky at first to figure it all out, but once you do its so worth it. Here is a tutorial on how to get started with adding mods to the game.
This just an example of one of the cutscene mods you can download for Origins. A fellow modder took some of the banter & created a mod from it. The face mods are ones that I made, but the cutscene itself is from a mod called "Intrigues of an Antivan Crow" on NexusMods.
But we know how that goes. :/
Last fun fact, he plays my favorite Barbie prince from the animated films.
Phuuuuuuuuq the Deep Roads.
I'm an elven apostate so my opening dialogue is basically