... said streams, since (LIKE I SAID) not everyone wants to join a stream labeled as a political environment.
Twitch has also stated that anyone who doesn't properly label their stream will have said category forced onto their channel for a set time.
Twitch has also stated that anyone who doesn't properly label their stream will have said category forced onto their channel for a set time.
LGBTQ+ people, especially those who are trans and queer, are already marginalized for being themselves. Within the past 2 years, over 600 anti-trans bills across the US have been presented to state registrations.
Keeping our existence as political keeps this status quo, and can lead to more cis-het people not seeing us as who we are.
What they see us as is just a talking point.
A petition has been made to remove the bullet point from the guidelines, so consider signing!
When I come back to streaming, I will go live on my main YouTube account, and uploading a 1080p 60fps VOD on my 2nd Channel, both of which are in my linktree.