Absolutely 💯 and everyone!!! That’s our money! Don’t they think we would have already thrown a fit if we thought there was fraud? Better they focus on paying us back what they borrowed 😡
True. I always said I'd be homeless in a beautiful place instead of an ugly one. The woods have always been my go-to runaway scenario, but I'll rethink it.
Unfortunately the SS tax we pay is not held in an defined benefit account for SS payments to the American taxpayers as required, but instead is used to pay interest on our debts to China & other countries! Congress should raise taxes on wealthy above $400k to recoup social security money!
Medicaid is the primary payer for 63% of nursing home residents. When the Republicans cut Medicaid and people have to take care of their parents and grandparents, the revolution will begin.
People who think they would have gotten a better return if they'd invested the money themselves should work those figures out carefully before asking for a refund. Most studies find that you'd be worse off if you intend to live past 70 or so.
True. A lot of those people would have lost everything to poor investment choices, financial "emergencies", and outright deception over the years, if they had invested it at all to begin with. Then they'd be crying about how useless the government is.
Exactly. So many people say "just give me my money and I'll manage it myself." Not only does that require a lot of specialized knowledge, but it is very time consuming.
Amen. Though I've always gone with earnings from a S&P 500 index fun in lieu of interest. It's an amazing total if you calculate it all up, either way.
yes, but. Don't forget, that the whole time you pay Social Security, your dependents are covered if you were to die or become disabled. While Soc Sec is for retirement income, it does have a benefit before that time.
Not arguing against Soc Sec, just stating facts. Younger people need to know.
Why do they never mention the amount of social security money that is never collected by people that die before reaching 65, but had paid into it their entire life?
That's just how the system works (and you can start collecting at 62, though the benefit will be reduced). It is not a private savings account. It is a pool of money for everyone. Depending on how long you live, you may collect less or more
I realize that. I’m just trying to point out that people complain but never talk about the balance of funds being put in, drawn out and some that are never drawn.
It has always meant to be a supplemental retirement fund. For many it’s their only retirement.
The government should never touch it.
All true. It is basically like all insurance - pooled risk. Some will get more than they put in, some less, some none at all (think of term insurance, for instance). For years, I paid way more fore health insurance than I used in benefits. Now, unfortunately, just the opposite.
1) Business owners hate that they have to match all your payments by 6.2% for every employee. They hate doing that, and wouldn't need to do it going forward. You'd lose out on this 6.2% every year going forward.
2) It is a big federal expenditure which we wouldn't have to pay anymore. You could have your money as self-directed investments and when it runs out you'd just be out of luck if you lived too long, instead of the government continuing to pay until you die in very old age.
And in 2 or 3 years you will TOTALLY get that $5000. Oh snap, due to inflation you get less. Thats right in just 4 years you will be getting $500. Ohh whoops there is a fragile ego emergency, you owe the goveenment $5000 or labor camp.
You do realize that Musk now has all your information and republicans can reach into your bank account anytime they want and empty it and there’s nothing you can do about it. The Nazis did it.
exactly. it's already our money! the government was just supposed to be investing it for us. they pull that kind of highway robbery and that's when the guns come out methinks.
Nobody wants to talk about the fact that they have corrupted all of our data after we burn it all down we will have to start over with new numbers and probably not call it social anything
I can see the LARGEST Class Action Lawsuit against the American Government EVER, if they make Social Security insolvent. I want every single penny, plus the median 3.5% interest, that I've paid into the system over the past 40 years - that I had no way to opt out of, and was taken directly from pay
Not to mention while they are taking everyone’s jobs away they better be prepared to make sure everyone gets their employment insurance benefits! Ya that will save a lot of money, duh. Oh a ya they will be getting less income taxes too now that so many won’t have jobs and pay into it. Dumb clowns.
Peace be upon you all, I am now at the top of my destroyed house now, we have no shelter to live in, there are no necessities for life in the area, no drinking, no food, nothing, everything is ruins, I want to help you for me and my family, may God reward you all the best
I believe the money saved by canceling social security is best used for yachts. Clearly, the billionaires have suffered enough and deserve bigger and better ones.
And what our employers paid in on our behalf as that was part of our compensation, we just thought we were deferring it for, you know, the event we might get old.
I'm sorry. You request for refund has been denied. These funds have been slotted for the support & care of our billionaires. Thank you for your donation to this oppressed & under-served group of individuals.
If this regime initiates cuts into SS and Medicare, they should at least allow one of the billionaires to build a franchise of euthanasia stations. Seniors w/o the means to live could have a quick, painless death instead of a torturous descent into illness, malnutrition, and exposure.
Sometimes we learn as we become more decrepit that hanging on when others wish we weren't around is the best revenge - That is my goal - and I urge others in their dotage to encourage those alone w/o support to hang in there no matter what
Senior citizens are a fragile demographic. If the government wants us to disappear so Bezos can have another yacht and Musk can launch a cybertruck into space, they should give us the free means to end our existence and dispose of our remains.
Enjoy your Soylent Green.
Court dates: Friday February 21st in New York. Monday, February 24th in Hollidaysburg, PA, and in federal court. Wednesday March 19th New York, Continue to visit https://www.luigimangioneinfo.com for up-to-date information on Luigi's upcoming court dates.
Legal Team: "This week we saw the brazen censorship of Pro-Luigi TikTok accounts. 100's of accounts disappeared overnight, including purely informational accounts focusing on following the trial... we understand that free speech is only free when it does not frighten those in power."
I’ve been working since age 15. Work my butt off as a single mom going to school to have a career where I would never have to depend on anyone. I’m 64 now and while my ss is paltry it would pay the bills.
Disgusting to leave us hanging out to dry.
This is what is wrong with our country. Someone with your background who made it through should be in congress. Not some attorney who grew up in a privileged home with wealth.
We the people are represented by the masters not the each other.
When I was 17 back in 1983 I was working at a pizza parlor and was asking my manager about the social security deduction on my min wage check. He said don't worry by the time you are able to collect it wont exist anymore. Beginning to think he is right.
He was wrong. There is always revenue coming into Social Security from 3 sources: (1) payroll contribution + employer match (2) income tax on social security benefits (3) interest on the Treasury bonds into which, by law, any excess revenue must be invested. When there are shortfalls, Social Sec
redeems some of those bonds to pay benefits. It is that pool of bonds (aka "the Trust Fund") that is going to be drawn down fully by about 2034 but the other two sources of revenue remain. If nothing is done, they will have to cut benefits - the current projectionis about 22% - but there
Don't fuck with my hard earned SSI ya pansy Oligarchs! This old hippie ain't going lay down for that shit at all here. Bringing out the old Westies in me here with this shite
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
Not arguing against Soc Sec, just stating facts. Younger people need to know.
It has always meant to be a supplemental retirement fund. For many it’s their only retirement.
The government should never touch it.
USA --> UHsdiaA
#BenVoltaSpace: https://bsky.app/profile/tradingsmiles.bsky.social/post/3likh6e32k22u
#TripleThreat: #TimeSpace #Cost #Scope
🌆 the "Medicare &
🌆 Social Security
🌆 Fair Share Act".
🟩 Please repost 🟩
Bill # S.1174:
Medicare & Social Security Fair Share Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1174
Senator Contact Info:
"H.R.4535 - Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4535
Wanna tell your U.S. Reps how you feel about this legislation, here's where you can pull up their official contact info. ⬇️
but yet eager to cut
Social Security,
on which OUR LIVES
..KEEP FLOODING Congress' phone lines⬇️
How long could any of us old folk go without our monthly Social Security check?
How long would it take for us to lose our homes? Or, run out of food?
I think about this a lot when I can't sleep at night.
Enjoy your Soylent Green.
Disgusting to leave us hanging out to dry.
We the people are represented by the masters not the each other.
Capitalism though /: