If true, which I certainly believe it is, what will it take for the military to arrest him? If the Commander-in-Chief is a felon and has led an armed insurrection against the US, isn't that enough cause to activate a coup against Trump?
"Christians get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."-
Trump: at "Believers Summit" in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 26, 2024
Throwaway line? Or Omen?
We knew this 8 years ago, but Democrats would rather put Trump in office with their rigged primaries against real leaders. We are a nation under corporate rule.
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
When someone is illegally using the presidential seat & threatening democracy - we are within our rights to do what we can to stop this.
Including creating a temporary governing structure when the current 1 fails. Miley, the few dems worth anything, Bernie & some brave civilians can get er done.
Your right. I don’t think we can count on him to just step up on his on. It is we the people we need to raise the temporary government. To call on them until they answer and to show them they have our full backing.
Yes you are right. And many law suits are happening.
But it is too slow a process for the timeline their side is moving at.
As well (most importantly) they are ignoring the constitution and judicial law so just using suits or courts is not enough. It takes all efforts.
Me too, that's why I posted this song, we need to stay positive and inspire others. More protests are poping-up, more people are showing up, that gives me hope.
The politins. are not coming to save us, It is going to be us on the streets peacefully protesting that is going to deliver us a victory.
From Small, Petty Mafia Don to Dangerous Mafia Don thanks to the 2024 Election. It makes no sense, but Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller have somehow succeeded in achieving their anarchy and white supremacy.
Does he have any sway in the current military to encourage them to
Save your republic save your country save your constitution!!!!!!
Communist Russia has been US’s archenemy since 1917. Sad to observe that Trump is now turning his back on the free, democratic, Western world, and embraces Putin just because Trump has a blind admiration for this fascist. It is time for ALL Americans to recognize that this is not in our own interest
Trump is turning his back on the democracy that gave him a pretty damn good life. He’s angry because everyone doesn’t love him and banks wouldn’t give him loans? Into everyone’s life a little rain must fall. Why couldn’t he be happy with all he was given. Grow up you demented mofo.
T musk he controls r space. 2hack us end all communicationJance is dangerous a nazi House Speaker2 how do we get thur this w/so many unqualified ppl running r country taking r rights jobs healthcare SS Medicare vet care Medicaid r FBI Military they support Putin North Korea China Philippines Isreal
Trump is now in a dilemma. Milley was appointed by President Donald Trump to chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2019. If Trump criticizes him, he has to admit that he made a mistake. He cannot do that because God does not make mistakes.
My combat veteran son saw this meme and told me to get my shit together. The patch is back on the hat. If someone views it as a chip on my shoulder so be it. Otherwise, Slava Ukraini!
Military Members on active duty MAY NOT:
· Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, or to solicit votes or political contributions.
The time has come - rise up - with each Lie a Dem should stand up and leave the room at the State of the Onion address - until it is so obvious Trump is lying and the room and the Nation is reacting .. Dems orchestrate this to be effective - as the room empties the truth becomes visual
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”
No, what we will remember is that he was a solid president of the US - hopefully not the last one.
What we will remember is the US citizens voting trump twice
Your legal system had four years to do it, then they voted for trump - again.
Half of the US population didn't care about J7 and voted the person causing it for president, that will be remembered.
Quite likely you yourself if being American have a few family members voting for trump
where were all these people first time criminals and drug aholic's were running rampant in criminal dem whackhouse? NOT a single one of them pull the fire alarm, NOT 1
NOT a single one of them reported any crimes/ethics under their watch NOT 1
🇺🇸🏛️👑👐🎃👈😡💬King tRumpkin And His Loyalists Cronies Are An ESSENTIAL THREAT To This👉🏻🇺🇸👈🏻Already Great Nation! He's Trying To Do Putin's Bidding By Isolating The 🇺🇸 US From It's Allies. He's Already Fired Key Military Leaders In Order To Have FULL Control Of The Military For A Possible Martial Law Event!🙏🏻💔🙏🏻
How very un-American. Makes the Boston "incident" 255 years ago (5th March, 1770) look like an accident. And yes, I am biased, I think the mob provoked the recoats and the shots were fired out of panic, not intentionally. Again, just my POV.
All the years of his storied career, and he may yet have one last most-important task ahead. If Trump really does try to suspend the Constitution and use the military to enforce it, Miley may be the man to stop him.
“The similarities between what Hitler did and what we are now experiencing are frightening, especially if you are familiar with ‘Project 2025’ whose primary goal is to overhaul executive branch of our government until Trump will have the power of a totalitarian dictator.”
He is not just a fascist. He is even worse. He is a pure traitor of the entire western world. Check this out and pay attention to the details. This is not just a made up story. The data is very precise. https://youtu.be/T-u4d6Zwdns?si=F1sb_A-IS2RC-1-u
Vice President Krasnov, adjudicated rapist, fraudster, bankrupt, & twice impeached .
President Musk, using teen hackers who operate web sites in Russia, to audit sensitive US gov sites such as CISA. See 5:11 in https://youtu.be/Zn9BTALjtLY?si=HoJmk1MijXpgDTtr.
This may have irrecoverable consequences.
Where is the rule of law here?
putin must be under real pressure to let
trump acting this way.
Trump: at "Believers Summit" in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 26, 2024
Throwaway line? Or Omen?
Always remember Harris won, but conceded before the votes were even all counted: https://www.gregpalast.com/the-voting-trickery-that-elected-trump/
in other words, evangelicals are doing whatever they can to justify and adulate to a plain as day anti-christ.
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
Including creating a temporary governing structure when the current 1 fails. Miley, the few dems worth anything, Bernie & some brave civilians can get er done.
But it is too slow a process for the timeline their side is moving at.
As well (most importantly) they are ignoring the constitution and judicial law so just using suits or courts is not enough. It takes all efforts.
- Woody Guthrie
The politins. are not coming to save us, It is going to be us on the streets peacefully protesting that is going to deliver us a victory.
Earlier, Hegseth had stopped operations to counter Putin's hybrid warfare against our nation.
Trump is setting the stage for us to be soundly defeated by Russia. Life under Putin coming?
Save your republic save your country save your constitution!!!!!!
Seems like Hegseth's Stand Down Our Defenses Against Russia order should be getting a bit more attention.
--John Locke
None are more petty than FOTUS
· Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, or to solicit votes or political contributions.
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”
And even though I am a senior citizen now, I will still fight to protect our democracy.
What we will remember is the US citizens voting trump twice
What they will remember of Joe Biden is this.
He didn't have the courage to do what was needed to protect America from Nazis.
There was enough evidence against Trump in the public domain on J7 to march him straight up the stairs of a gallows.
It never should have come to a vote.
Half of the US population didn't care about J7 and voted the person causing it for president, that will be remembered.
Quite likely you yourself if being American have a few family members voting for trump
Merrick Garland served at the pleasure of the President.
The buck stops at the Resolute Desk.
It never should have come to a vote.
Trump should have been hanged three years ago.
Need a dictator for that
Biden clung to power long past too late.
Biden now wears the crown Chamberlain earned,
as history's biggest fool.
Chamberlain sleeps in peace now.
Biden can burn in hell.
NOT a single one of them reported any crimes/ethics under their watch NOT 1
Master Coach Hu
Any general who accepts an offer to be part of the would-be king's administration is a traitor to this country and a fool.